Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Me, Myself, & I

Wanted to write a quick thoughts to recap the last few weeks!

Weddings are a lot like Christmas, all the true meaning gets lost in stupid traditions!

Visiting my mission after 6 months of being home was bitter sweet.... It's not the location that makes your mission great, it's the people who touch your life and who's lives I've touched. Los Angeles is a special place in my heart, but everything about it makes me crazy! The constant noise, the constant feeling of watching your back, the constant lack of parking... not exactly a vacation spot to me! LOVED going back and seeing members from Culver City, loved feeling the spirit in the Visitors Center and seeing the temple, Loved all the yummy food!

So much change is taking place in my life, I think I'm going numb! Getting Married, moving to Logan, switching jobs, switching wards, switching lifestyles, gaining in-laws, it's a LOT to take in! All really really great changes that I'm excited for, but when they all happen at the same time... I'd compare it to standing below a huge 4th of July firework that just boomed in the sky! You just stand there and let it overwhelm you as sparks go in every direction and the vibration of the explosion physically shakes your body! Everything in my life is going a completely new direction, and I think the reality of it all will hit eventually, just the way the boom of a firework hits me!

Clear communication is so absolutely essential at this point in my life. There are so many people to communicate with about so many things! Bachelorette parties and bridal showers, photo booths and hair styles, alterations and airlines, job interviews and apartment managers, photographers and cake makers, in-laws and extended family, the list is quite extensive! Of course the most important communication is between me, God, and Dan. I've found that if those 2 communication lines are clear, the others become a bit easier.

I've discovered that this point of life is a little annoying, I hate thinking about myself and my wedding, and my future every day! Thinking about only you all the time does not make for happiness. Serving in the Relief Society, doing Visiting Teaching, making time for my dearest friends is really difficult to manage time wise these days, but literally these things have kept me from going crazy! It's been great having Garet come home from his mission, another momentous event that has brought much happiness to our family.

Well, 24 days and all the silly traditions, dresses, cakes, and things will be over. I will be sealed to my love and that is all that matters! May it be a swift, productive, and enjoyable 24 days! :)