Thursday, August 23, 2012

We Be Married!

Life is back to normal! My crazy summer is coming to an end! A lovely fall and winter are ahead!

Being engaged was such a whirlwind... all the planning and fussing made time go so fast!

I've been a married woman now for almost 3 weeks, it's been such a cool experience from day one! I've loved being married. It's so fulfilling, so fun! Getting married was a bit of a hard step to take for me- no one in my family that has ever been married, has stayed married. Everyone has been divorced at least once. So with that being my first exposure to marriage, I had to really really really think and pray a lot- overcome a lot of fear. And I'm so GLAD that I did!!! I feel so much peace and so content with my life and where it's at! By no means is it a perfect life, we are still figuring out how to be married, how to budget our finances, our coffee table is a cardboard box, and we don't even have a table to eat on! But it's amazing and I love always having someone to do anything and everything with. I totally know this was the right decision for me at this time of my life and that I married the right person.

Our apartment is a gem. I love going home after work everyday! We have a 2 bedroom apartment with a little gas fireplace- perfect for these frigid winters here in Logan! Our gas bill is included in our rent, so we can crank the heat all we want- but not now! We sweat in our apartment even with the AC on. It's just so expensive to get the basics of life in order! We have our kitchen and bathroom in order for the most part as far as appliances and things go! I made my first "offical dinner" as a wife last night. Conveniently I wore a skirt, pearls, and my hair in a high bun to work yesterday- so I threw on my apron and jumped into the kitchen experiencing what the wives of the 50's did every day! I didn't burn anything, my Shepherds Pie came out lovely. Dan said, "I hope this doesn't sound bad, but I'm surprised how good this tastes..." I'll take that as a compliment I guess!

School starts on Monday for Dan, and I'm working about 30 hours a week at a Podiatrist Office (foot and ankle dr). I LOVE MY JOB!!! Finding a job in Logan is one of the most heinous things ever. I was so lucky to get this job. The Dr I work for is SO incredible, just such a GOOD man. His name is Dr. Huff, he's got to be Superman... I don't know how he does everything. But I have loved working for him these last 2 weeks, I wish it was full time though. I'm looking for another part time job to get a few more hours in during the week. Wish me luck.

I'll give some more updates on life when we have some pictures to post! Until then.