This past week is what USU calls dead week, the week before finals when professors aren't supposed to give any tests/projects to allow students to prepare for finals. That usually ends up being a joke.
Dead Week for Dan
Dan has been busier than ever! I don't know how he functions on such little sleep every day. He has finals in Statistics, Physics, Calculus III, and Linear Algebra. We tried to go for a bike ride the other day and discovered Dan's bike had a flat tire. We pumped it up, but it was flat again the next day! So I'm sure once finals are over, getting his tire repaired will be one of first things he'll do.There are two things that Dan asks for like once a day: yellow cake with chocolate frosting & cowboy caviar. We were just introduced to Cowboy Caviar by our friends the Reddens- we are addicted! It is so yummy! I was really glad they shared their RECIPE with us!
Dead Week for Megan
Dead Week was a little different for me. I seriously went to bed at 9:30 almost every night! I have had zero energy lately. I blame the weather mostly. It wants to be Spring/Summer so badly, but that blasted snow and cold weather never stops (it's blizzarding outside this very moment)! I need warmth and sun! Extra sleep seems to be the cure for anything :)
Wednesday we had our last Relief Society activity of the semester. We made the EASIEST and CUTEST craft ever! We made cherry blossoms out of sticks and tissue paper, they are adorable. I am one of the least crafty people out there. Crafts usually stress me out because I am always the last one done and it never turns out how it should! But this-- I could do! I had so much fun! Here is the link: