Friday, March 20, 2015

From Penny to Pearl...

Out with the old, in with the new...

Sometimes I really hate that I get so attached to people/things. It makes change such beast.

I've been driving my 2001 Chevrolet Prizm (who I named Penny) since I was 16. We've been through a lot together. And even though I've pretty much HATED her for the last year, I am having separation anxiety! I have spent way too much time and money trying to keep her alive. She had just given up the will to drive, but I wouldn't let her.


I'll never forget the time one of my best friends growing up, Brandon, left a pair of jeans in the back seat of Penny my Senior year of High School. My mom went to drive my car and found this pair of boys jeans in my back seat. She brought them in the house, and held them up for me to hold, asking very accusingly why there was a pair of boys pants in the back of my car! I had no explanation, I honestly had NO idea how they got in the back seat of my car. I'm not sure my mom believed me and was very suspicious. I immediately started texting my guy friends to figure if they were missing a pair of jeans. None of them claimed to have left jeans in my car. Finally after bringing them to school, Brandon recognized them as his jeans. We still have a good laugh about how these jeans mysteriously ended up in the back of my car, and how my mom had a moment of panic.

Or the other time that I was 20 and had just gotten my mission call and one of my best friends was getting married and the other best friend was also getting ready to go on a mission. We were going to have one of our last hurrah's and drive to the Holi Festival of Colors in Spanish Fork. We had just got into town, and were jamming out at a stoplight. We were distracted looking at the car of boys next to us (I know, so stupid) when the lane next to us started moving. I put my foot on the gas before turning to look in front of me, and rear-ended a jeep in front me.OOPS.

A few weeks ago I finally realized it was time. Time to let her go. (cue dramatic soap opera music)


After spending a good 2 hours cleaning her, she "shined up like a new Penny" and I put her on KSL. With in 15 minutes we had someone texting us making an offer. We totally thought it was a scam, they hadn't even seen/driven the car and were offering us money. Plus their grammar and sentence structure was that of someone who was just learning English. Totally had to be someone from another country that was going to have us deposit some ridiculous check and steal our bank account information.  I told Dan not to even bother texting them back. But the person texted again, and so Dan texted them back.

Dan arranged to meet this person (who we were sure by now was a foreign USU student haha) at the Smith's parking lot to look at Penny. Dan was gone for about 20-25 minutes and came back. I asked how it went and if this foreign student was willing to buy. Haha, turns out he was a white kid in his early twenties, a local from Cache Valley who went to Weber State. I couldn't get over how hilarious this was to me!


Thankfully we found a nice family for Penny in only 5 days. They bought if for their daughter in High School who plays lacrosse. When they came to pick up the car, thankfully my two dear friends Sheri and Kylie were over and provided me emotional support as I watched my car drive away with a new girl. I had the scene from Toy Story 2 flash through my mind when Jessie's girls drops her off in a box on the side of the road and drives away... but thankfully I didn't abandon my car completely! We found her a nice, new girl who will take Penny on lots of adventures.


Buying a car was a HUGE deal for Dan and I. We had been saving and saving, researching cars, and all that good stuff pretty much since we got married 2 1/2 years ago. Neither of us had ever bought a car before, it was quite the experience. We finally found a white Toyota Camry for the right price and in the right condition. It was on the market for over a month... and I have no idea how no one bought it! It was a GREAT deal. I really think that Heavenly Father was involved by saving this car just for us!

Welcome to the family, Pearl!