Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Summer 2018 is going down in my book as the best yet.

We have had SUCH a good time ENJOYING being a family of three, and not just SURVIVING as a family of three.

There have been endless trials for our little family since Fall 2016. They have all been things that I NEVER could have comprehended experiencing. And have rocked our lives like a boat on a stormy sea during a never-ending hurricane. I have felt so stretched, torn, twisted, and terrified. And we finally made, and perhaps were given, the time to heal. To remember what joy felt like.

The fireworks, splash pads, nightly visits to the park, boating, tubing, jet-skiing. THE SUN. The yard work, the road trips, hiking, the dinners on the grill. Lagoon, Disneyland, the Dinosaur Park, and weekly visits to Thanksgiving Point. It all led to a healing we desperately needed. Healing through time- time with each other as a family, time in nature, time to progress.

And now, we'll take a deep breath as we plunge into the next season of our life- this time with a more conscious effort to not just endure our challenges, but to find joy during them.

Summer, you were my best friend through it all. Let's get together again soon!