Monday, October 22, 2012

Dear Logan,

Dear Logan,

There are just a few things I have a serious need for.


A Decent Shopping Mall!

Hope this isn't too much to ask for....

Sincerely, Megan

Why Am I a Mormon?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.... What is it to me? Why am I a member of it?
With all the news reports, Broadway plays, political candidates, interviews, etc. I feel like the world is still missing what the "Mormon Church" is all about. I feel like even sometimes as members we forget what it is REALLY all about.

I feel like the same things are consistently brought up- all the "Do's & Do Not's" we have.
- Don't have sex before marriage
- Don't drink alcohol
- Don't go grocery shopping on Sunday
- Pay 10% of your income
- Go to church every sunday
- Blah Blah Blah

Everyone always wants to know WHAT we do, but few people ask the bigger question... WHY?
Why do we choose to live the way we do? Why do we have these commandments? Well I'd like to let the world know WHY I am a Mormon.

First, forget the list mentioned above. Forget the rumors, stereotypes, etc about the LDS church. For me it comes back to one thing: LOVE. I know that God is my Heavenly Father, that I lived with Him before I came to this earth. I know that God knows me personally and is aware of me. I know that there is life after death. How do I know this? Because God loves me. Because God loves you. Because God loves all his children. Through much time, studying, and effort I've developed a relationship with Him- I want to return back to Him! I love Him! When you love someone, you want the best for them, you do anything you can for them, you want them to be happy, you want them to be successful.

I think of my mom, or of my friends parents. The rules I was given in my youth I didn't always understand or agree with at the time. However with a little more time under my belt, and perspective, I can see WHY my parents enforced the rules they did.

My parents weren't perfect, and still aren't. But God is a perfect parent. Not just perfect in the sense that he never makes a mistake, but is also perfect in the sense of being perfectly understanding, perfectly compassionate, perfectly forgiving, perfectly loving. Because God knows you and I, His children, perfectly- He knows perfectly what will make us happy. Perfectly what will make us sad or bring us unhappiness. God gives us commandments because he sees the bigger picture- because he has a little more time under his belt and because he knows what will bring happiness to us. The hard part for us at mortal beings is not knowing everything as perfectly as Him.

I met a lady in Los Angeles named Victoria VonRoth- and she loved the commandments, but she had another name for them. She call them "Happy Rules" because they are what really brings happiness!!! True, pure, heart bursting, happiness. What I love most about the commandments, is that they help me become more Christ-like or closer to God, I'm able to feel promptings of the Holy Ghost more often, they keep me on track to returning to live with God! How amazing is that!? What a huge blessing or reward for keeping the commandments. I don't understand perfectly the reason behind every commandment, but I know enough. I've tested them enough and seen the outcome. And because God loves us, anyone has access to the perfect way to find out enough.

Any soul, any human being, of any background, of any age, of any culture can know WHY. The trouble is most people just won't take the time to find out. They might be caught up in the "mormon culture". Perhaps they rely on outside media to feed them their information. I know a few people who have felt judged in their lives because they aren't living the commandments or "mormon way". Because of this they feel resentful or bitter towards Mormons. But WHY would someone live the commandments if they didn't understand or know WHY others around them were? I can't judge or hold someone accountable for that. All of these reasons I just listed can distract people from the real meat of what the Mormon church is about. For those who want the real meat,  I can invite them to find out WHY I and others do believe and live the way they do.

Here is the invitation: It's as simple as trying. Try living the commandments, see what the results are. Try praying to God, see what His answer is. Try reading the scriptures- the Bible and Book of Mormon- to find out what Jesus Christ actually taught. Go to the source of all knowledge and truth. Don't let the interpretations of men determine your understanding of WHY Mormons live the commandments.

I am a Mormon because I have tried these things- and because I got results. This hasn't just happened one time in my life, but on several occasions. Through any change or stage of my life, I find myself reapplying the process God gave to all His children to know WHY.


It really is this simple. I have received answers numerous times. This process, this invitation, is a "one size fits all" if you will. The gospel, or teachings of Jesus Christ, will bless anyone's lives- will bring them true and lasting happiness.

I am happy - I know my purpose in life - I know God exists and knows me - I know how to be with my loved ones forever. And so can you. God will always be there to answer when you knock.

This is WHY I am a Mormon.

To see a little more about why I am a Mormon, click below! Profile

Friday, October 12, 2012


I need to write about something that has been weighing on my mind for a good 3 months or so... What am I passionate about?! What is my "thing"? What are my talents?!

How do we find out what we're good at? Does it have to be in elementary school when you find out if you are a soccer player or basketball player, a singer or an artist?! Because that is how it seems, most people have had hobbies since they were like 5 years old!

I'm 23 years old... and two of the most dreaded questions I hate answering are, "What do you like to do for fun?" and "What are your talents or hobbies?" .... I dunno! I've never known! For 23 years it's been a blank line, a big fat question mark!

I want to have my "thing"! My hobby, my talent, my fun thing to do when I need a break! Where is it?! How do I find it?! How does one go about this?!

Help. I have no passion, and I need some.