Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Our Second Honeymoon

For some reason it sounded better to call our "First Anniversary" our "Second Honeymoon"... Dan told some guys at church how I really wanted to go somewhere warm and exotic for our second honeymoon (I looked at cruises for weeks)... so he took me to Idaho!

Ha but it really was a wonderful weekend together, and the best part was that we could make a whole weekend out of it, not just an evening. *WARNING- we try really hard not to eat out very much, so we kinda went crazy and ate out all weekend... we really like good food :)

friday- august 2nd

Dan my man bought me some cute flowers, our favorite snack (Taki's- you guys really need to try them!), a photostrip from us at our wedding, and two sticky notes declaring his undying love.

I was in charge of Friday. So we started out with dinner on Friday night at a restaurant in Logan call Elements... supposedly one of the "fancier" restaurants in town.  We had a great reminder that more expensive does not mean better tasting! Neither of us liked what we ordered and ended up sick that night.

HOWEVER, we did end on a good note with getting the most delicious snow cone of our lives! There is a little snow cone shack in Smithfield called "Pinks".  I'd heard from a few people that it was a "must do" while living in Logan during the summer. So we drove out to Smithfield and had a tigers blood snowcone... it was DELICIOUS! Who knew that fresh coconut, whipping cream and strawberries could be the best thing ever on a snow cone?

 saturday- august 3rd

 Dan had this great idea that we should go to Lava Hot Springs on Saturday! I've only been there in the dead of winter to find the only warmth available during the bitter winter months, so it sounded great to me. We started off by eating some Thai food at this little restaurant (which apparently was on a show called "Diners and Dives" or something) and it was DELICIOUS!

We then floated the river a few times and found ourselves sitting next to a natural hot spring along the bank of the river where we just sat, relaxed, and just talked for about an hour! The day was completed by getting some square ice cream... yeah it really is square! Weird huh? It was a really fun day.


Dan was in heaven...

He pretty much made this face after every bite... haha

The sticky rice came in these cute woven cups

This cilantro sauce was to die for... Dan tried drinking it... bad idea.

Floated the river all day!

For dessert, square ice cream! Yeah, it's a real thing.

Lava, Lava!

 sunday- august 4th, our real anniversary!

Happy Anniversary! Dan had to teach Elders Quorum, and I had to teach Relief Society- so after church, we came home and made ourselves a delicious French delicacy called "Poutine"... haha okay it's not a delicacy, but it is French! It's french fries, cheese curds, and brown gravy.  We love it! Don't judge until you've tried it!

Dessert, the top of our wedding cake! Still delicious and so sweet, it still made my teeth hurt!

 monday- august 5th

For the grand finale of our weekend, Dan got us tickets to the Pickleville Playhouse to watch a play called, "Juanito Bandito Rides Again".  I was so excited because I'd heard so much about this place and how funny it was. So Monday right after work, we went to Bear Lake and ate at La Beau's. Those raspberry shakes were to die for! So good!

We had some time to kill so we went down the lake and stuck our toes in the water and passed a football.  We also found this cool yellow lighthouse so we went and took some pictures by it too!

Then finally we got to see the play-- it exceeded all of our expectations! Dan and I have never laughed so hard, it was hilarious! It's sort of a "must do once in your life" kind of thing! 

We had such a great first year together and I'm so thankful that we chose each other to be with forever and always. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! You guys are cute! I love the Thai food place in Lava! It is the best!
