Thursday, September 5, 2013

So Long Summer

Dear Summer,

You were so so good to us this year.  We had an especially good time because Dan dropped his summer classes and that freed up 50% of our time. The sun has never felt so good, my skin hasn't had this much sun in years!  It was 3 months of bliss.  Some of our highlights included:

- Boating in Oneida, Idaho with our friends the Buttars.  That was THE most gorgeous lake I've ever seen in my life! And after a long day of boating, you could end it with an evening in the hot tubs!

- Boating with our friends the Nelsons and the Lunas at Utah Lake.  Thought the boat almost sunk, and the water was so shallow it came to our waists, it was a good time!

- Boating in Bear Lake with our ward! Delicious food, adorable toddlers in their swimsuits, and great company. What else could we ask for?

Hmmm... I wonder if we did anything else except boating this summer... Oh yeah, there were a few things...

- A Real Salt Lake soccer game, an Ogden Raptors baseball game, and weekly ward softball

- We finally went the Willow Park Zoo!

- A Drive In movie with our friends! Nothing like laying in the back of a truck under the stars.

- Seeing "Bandito Rides Again" at the Pickleville Playhouse was an absolute BLAST! We want to go there every summer as a tradition.

- Our one time trip to Seven Peaks was a good time.  We like water, and slides.

- We can't forget our rodeo experience here in Logan accompanied by dutch oven dinners.

- There was also that one weekend we went up to Lava Hot Springs and floated the river all day and ate square ice cream and yummy Thai food for our anniversary! That was fun!!!

- Game nights and camp fires up the canyon with friends are always a must.

Well it was good to see you old friend.  We hope the next nine months of winter here in Logan will pass quickly.

Love, Megan

P.S. I know Fall is only here for a week, but please let it know we're always happy to have it as long as it would like to stay.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Disney Princess

Growing up, I loved Disney Princesses.  I wanted to be one. I cried every time my mom made my trim my hair because I was "that much" farther away from having the hair of Sleeping Beauty or Jasmine.

Lately, I've been on a bit of a Disney movie spree. I honestly can say I haven't watched most Disney movies from my childhood in like 10 years! I mean there is Finding Nemo, Cars, and a few of those other Disney movies that have come out since I've been in High School and College that I've seen a million times over (and still love!), but I'm talking about the Disney "classics"... Sleeping Beauty, Pocahontas, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella... pretty much any Disney movie before the year 2000. I have for sure been overdue in a stroll through my Disney movie childhood.

I will always love Disney movies, don't get me wrong! There is a life lesson in every movie! But it's kind of funny the things that I pick up on as an adult that I didn't as a child...

Is it just me or does anyone else notice how these Princesses are VERY quick to fall in love with the male characters who don't always have the best tempers, morals, etc.  I mean the male characters are always changed for the better by the end of the movie due to the love of a Disney Princess... but this is not reality!

I remember thinking in my teenage years that I was waiting for a Disney Prince to walk into my life and he would be charming and rich and have the manners of royalty... But now that I've grown up a bit and am married, I don't know why I wanted that! I married a boy who is better than a Disney Prince!

Dan my man was not born rich, but has hard work ethic and understands the value of money!  He is charming because he can be himself around me, and I around him.  He took me to a Temple (better than a castle!) where our marriage can last forever-- where there this a true Happily Ever After!

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams" - Dr. Seuss
Speaking of Disney, I'm pretty excited to watch Once Upon A Time... Season 3 is starting on September 29th! If you haven't seen it, you should start!

And speaking of Princesses, I am completely obsessed with Kate Middleton... she is so classy and I want her wardrobe!