Thursday, September 5, 2013

So Long Summer

Dear Summer,

You were so so good to us this year.  We had an especially good time because Dan dropped his summer classes and that freed up 50% of our time. The sun has never felt so good, my skin hasn't had this much sun in years!  It was 3 months of bliss.  Some of our highlights included:

- Boating in Oneida, Idaho with our friends the Buttars.  That was THE most gorgeous lake I've ever seen in my life! And after a long day of boating, you could end it with an evening in the hot tubs!

- Boating with our friends the Nelsons and the Lunas at Utah Lake.  Thought the boat almost sunk, and the water was so shallow it came to our waists, it was a good time!

- Boating in Bear Lake with our ward! Delicious food, adorable toddlers in their swimsuits, and great company. What else could we ask for?

Hmmm... I wonder if we did anything else except boating this summer... Oh yeah, there were a few things...

- A Real Salt Lake soccer game, an Ogden Raptors baseball game, and weekly ward softball

- We finally went the Willow Park Zoo!

- A Drive In movie with our friends! Nothing like laying in the back of a truck under the stars.

- Seeing "Bandito Rides Again" at the Pickleville Playhouse was an absolute BLAST! We want to go there every summer as a tradition.

- Our one time trip to Seven Peaks was a good time.  We like water, and slides.

- We can't forget our rodeo experience here in Logan accompanied by dutch oven dinners.

- There was also that one weekend we went up to Lava Hot Springs and floated the river all day and ate square ice cream and yummy Thai food for our anniversary! That was fun!!!

- Game nights and camp fires up the canyon with friends are always a must.

Well it was good to see you old friend.  We hope the next nine months of winter here in Logan will pass quickly.

Love, Megan

P.S. I know Fall is only here for a week, but please let it know we're always happy to have it as long as it would like to stay.

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