Saturday, September 27, 2014

Just Give Me a Brown Paper Bag

It's so true that some things are really a blessing and a curse. Like the fact that I cannot fake or hide my emotions.

I can't pretend to be happy or sad. I can't pretend to like someone I don't. My face always shows exactly how I'm feeling, no matter how hard I try. Which is a blessing because when I'm happy, I'm REALLY happy about something and people genuinely know it. But also when I feel disappointed in someone or something, they genuinely know it, even if I don't want them to.

Generally I really get along with most people. I can count on one hand the number of people I don't get along with. But this last week, I saw way too many of those people that I count on that one hand. And it was exhausting. Even though my feelings are written all over my face when I am around them, I still tried to not let it show. I tried to be cordial. How do people have the energy to be fake? It's taken me 3 days of recovery to get over my encounters last week! And I couldn't even be fake!

I want to be a nice person. I want to be a friend to all. I want to lift people up around me. I want my facial expressions to not make people feel bad.

So I'll just be over here hiding my face under a brown paper bag...

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

give me more of this!


Every October, Dan and I have a Harry Potter movie marathon! This year I want to read all the books too! Just ordered this puppy and I'm ecstatic!


I JUST DISCOVERED THIS STORE! How could a girl like me go so long without ever hearing of it?!  Good thing it's in Farmington so I can't spend all my money...


 I have been waiting so long for this to start! Only a few short weeks till Once Upon a Time is back on!


 The Relief Society in our ward just got it's own hashtag... how cool are we.


For some reason I'm EXTRA excited about corn mazes, red leaves, anything pumpkin, and wearing sweats. Then let's have 2 weeks of winter and go back to Summer again.


Also,  I am trying to be a tweeter. I'm not totally sure how I'm feeling about it, or the point of it, but it's a new adventure. Follow me @megwouden!