Sunday, August 30, 2015



Well it happened. After 2 1/2 years I was released from being the Relief Society President! I have some mixed emotions about it. Next to being married to Dan, this is longest commitment I've ever had in my life! Longer than my mission (and that felt like a long time)!

Being a Relief Society President is a weird thing. And I have to admit, I hate the title of that calling. I don't like the idea of being "president" of something. I feel like people instantly develop this stereotype about you. To be honest, when I think of someone being a relief society president, the image that comes to mind is this: bad haircut, ugly clothes, annoyingly spiritual. I hope I broke one or two of those stereotypes.


I'm so grateful I had this calling. Holy guacamole have I learned SO much and been so inspired by the women I've met. I've seen miracles and heartache, laughed and cried, and made some of the DEAREST, most wonderful friends!!!

Jess, Meg, Monica and Melissa

 Becca, Shan, Meg and Jess

 Shan, Becca, Meg and Court

 Court, Becca, Meg and Jess


My biggest worries about being released were:
  •  What am I going to do with all my time now? Before I got this calling, I was really struggling with being married to a student. I hated that I got home from work and was ready to play and spend time with Dan, and he was just getting started on spending the next solid 6 hours doing homework. I watched way too many TV shows, and was bored. This calling changed all of that! I really didn't want to fall back into this meaningless way of life. Cue working a second job! I'd way rather have the calling, but it's nice having the added income.
  • What will my next calling be? I always complain about Sunday School. I feel like the lessons are SO boring. So I always sort of hoped Dan and I would be able to teach a Sunday School class and try to make it something more exciting. Welp, say hello to the new Family History Instructors! So far it's been a lot of fun, trying to come up with ways to keep peoples attention in a class that definitely has a stereotype for being BORING! And it's nice we only have to teach once a month :)
  • Who are they going to call that I could feel confident in handing over the lives of all these wonderful friends and women I've spent so much time with?! This might sound a little conceited and like I'm the only person who could do this calling, but it's not like that AT ALL. You want to know that you've left the ones you love in good hands, that the new person will know what they need and make sure they get it. That they'll be involved in their lives and be there for the good and bad. Well thank the high heavens, I can rest assured! The new relief society presidency is just that! I have no worries whatsoever and I think that was the biggest relief of all.

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