Thursday, October 24, 2013

California Lovin'

 This adventure features Dan and I, our dear friends John and Kelsey Nelson, and Jafet Santiago (a boy I taught on my mission in Los Angeles!) Jafet was the one who inspired the trip out to watch Utah State play USC in Los Angeles at the Colisseum. Jafet attended USC and is an avid football fan. And what do you know, I'm married to a man who attends Utah State and is an avid football fan. It was a great plan!

DAY 1- Travel and Vegas!

We started our adventure by spending the night in Las Vegas, but not the traditional "Strip" experience most have. Jafet now lives in Las Vegas and considers himself a local and knows all of the local things to do. Jafet was an excellent host and gave us a fun tour of old-town Las Vegas and we ate a delicious dinner at a Thai restaurant!

 Dan, Megan, Jafet

 Kelsey and John on the teeter-totter!

 Yeah this restaurant is called "Heart Attack Grill"and anyone over 350lbs. eats for free! They have a massive scale outside of their restaurant to weigh yourself before entering! So nasty!


Viva Las Vegas!

  DAY 2- Beach Day!

The next morning, the five of us took off from Las Vegas and headed for the coast of California!
 Finally, out of the car and in California!

We spent the day at beach next to Santa Monica Pier! It was overcast, but so much fun! 

Dan and John were immediately in the ocean! Kelsey, Jafet and I stayed on the beach and were content just sticking our feet in!
Body Surfing attempts!

 Classic feet in the sand picture... I have to take one ANY time I go to the beach!

 I've had kites in the trunk of our car since Easter, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to bust them out! And that day finally came! We found out that Jafet had NEVER flown a kite before! Guess there isn't much room to do that kind of stuff when you grow up in Santa Monica! So Kelsey and I were excited to teach Jafet and watch him experience what it's like to fly a kite!

 And it's up!

 Dan and John came back in from the water, only to grab the football! I guess since we were here to watch a football game, they had to make sure football was incorporated to every part of our trip :)

 Look at that handsome face ladies, it's all mine :)

 So much cooler to pass a football in the ocean waves

 Action Shot!

 This little boy was just cracking me up the whole time we were at the beach!

 Eventually, the passing the football got boring, and trying to hit moving objects, like seagulls became way more entertaining.... (wives: sigh)

 We found ourselves quite entertained digging for these little crabs as the tide came in and out! Those little buggers are fast and hard to catch!

 These two are the nicest and funnest people! And adorable together!

I could kiss this face all day haha

 Kelsey just being a babe as usual!
 We tried to take some romantic pics under the dock... not sure how that turned out!

 We decided they look like Dinosaur teeth!

 So presh!

We finished off the day with burgers and sitting in a hot tub chatting till the wee hours of the night!

 DAY 3- Game Day!

After being stuck in traffic for some time this morning, we made it to the game! The sun was out and we all got sunburned! It was so cloudy the day before and we came totally unprepared. The Colisseum is HUGE. Ah it was so cool to be there. We walked though USC campus and it was pretty incredible as well.  Even though the Aggies lost, I think they gave the Trojans a run for their money.

 After the game, we went to the Los Angeles Temple to do a session- totally the best part of my trip! We missed the last session, but were able to do sealings instead. The Sealer was from Tremonton, Utah (of all places!) and we had a special connection with him, it was such a great experience!

After such an eventful day, it was time for food... and watching more football! We went to this little pizza place in Beverly Hills and had the most delicious calzone of my life!  Which we then met up with Prince and Sam (two of the coolest guys I know!) and got ice cream at McDonalds!

We had such an awesome trip and some much needed time away from the day-to-day life.We loved spending time with our friends and made some great memories :)

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