Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Confessions of a Chocaholic


On November 13th I will have survived 6 months without chocolate. Starting on my 25th birthday, I made a goal to go 1 YEAR without chocolate. It's kind of a BIG deal because chocolate is MY THING. It's what I love, it's what I crave. It makes colors seem brighter, music sounds sweeter... okay maybe it's not that intense, but I love me some chocolate.


At this point, I still have dreams about eating chocolate. For the last two weeks, nothing has sounded better than a warm, gooey chocolate chip cookie. To curb my cravings, I've been eating a lot of carmel apple suckers.

One thing I would do differently next time (yeah right! there will never be a next time!) is define "chocolate". It's been an ongoing debate between Dan and I if Oreos count as chocolate... which to me they clearly do not. They don't taste like chocolate at all, Oreos have their own distinct taste and it is nothing like Symphony bar.  They are not chocolate! However, just to be on the safe side, I'm not eating Oreos... (so stupid...)


I survived Halloween without any chocolate, but I fear the worst is ahead of me. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentines Day, and Easter..... it's going to be rough. I've already found myself rationalizing that I could eat one white chocolate pretzel as a Christmas present to me. BUT I'm not going to do it (even though life's short and maybe next year I'll have a cold and won't be able to taste my mom's white chocolate dipped pretzels and cheat myself out of two years of my favorite treat...)

Wish me luck!!! (I'm clearly going to need it)

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! I'm totally impressed. I went 30 days without any form of desserts/sweets and it was super hard. Good luck with the coming holidays! (If it helps you win the battle, one of my friend's is allergic to chocolate and oreos are one of the few things she can eat.)
