Monday, November 24, 2014


I can hardly believe that it's Thanksgiving again. I feel like it was only a few short months ago that I was blogging about my thoughts on gratitude.  This year hasn't gone at all how I thought it would, which is means some things have gone way better than I thought, while others haven't. But I've realized that the things that didn't go well, still have worked out.

Life has a funny way of doing that, working out I mean. Sometimes I forget that during times of high stress or uncertainty. I spend too much time fretting about all the ways things can go wrong when I should be demonstrating more faith and optimism.

These are just a few things that I rank as "up there" on my Thanksgiving-Thankful-Grateful List...

Second Chances

For some reason I am a girl who need lots of second chances. I tend to be a bit of perfectionist and organizational freak, which you would think prevents you from messing up so much. But, it doesn't. I need lots of forgiveness from loved ones. Especially my husband. This year I'm grateful for all the second chances I was given from family and friends. This in turn has given me greater compassion and a desire to give others around me second chances. I'm grateful for the atonement and a Savior who perfectly understands my weaknesses and can lovingly give me all the chances I need.

My Job

Boy I never thought I'd say that! This year my job brought me an incredible opportunity to travel to Guam. It was one of the best experiences of my life. And as a domino effect, allowed Dan and I to be able to stay in Hawaii for 9 days on our measly, poor, married couple budget. I am so grateful that we were able to have this opportunity! It was one of the highlights of our year. I'm also grateful that I can sign up for benefits come next year when I no longer can be on my mothers insurance... #OLD.


Savings Accounts

Our savings accounts SAVED us this year.  My car had a major meltdown in April and needed a LOT of repairs done, meaning a rebuilt engine... not cheap. Our savings account allowed us to take a once in a lifetime trip together. Our savings account has allowed us to live off one income after Dan lost his job the week we got back from Hawaii. I am a BIG believer in savings accounts! I'm so grateful that we were able to brave some of our biggest trials this year because we had saved money!



I've been thinking a lot about how lucky I am to have the best grandparents in the world. My grandparents have always been "Switzerland" in my life. They love and support without condition. They keep out of family drama. They provide relief in times of need. They always know just what I need. They are awesome!  I am so grateful for all the wonderful memories I have of each one of my grandparents. Each one of them has molded me to be a better person. In different phases of my life, they played large roles to help me get to where I am today. And I don't expect that will change in the future as they continue loving and guiding me. Thank you for being so great!!!



Something I've had the prompting to do over and over again is keep a record of my life. I'm not good at it by any means, but I'm trying! One part of my life I have been trying to organize and document was my time serving a mission. I didn't keep a good journal at ALL during this time, so I was relying heavily on my letters home as a journal. Well this became quickly devastating and discouraging as I realized the letters my mom had saved were missing pages, and even whole months of my mission gone. I was SO sad. Luckily, I discovered my grandma still had every email from my mission from 3 years ago saved! (again, best grandparents ever!) Rereading all my letters was one of the biggest joys this year. I had forgotten so much, and it gave me such a renewal of all the feelings I had during that time of life. I am very grateful for journals, they help me remember the lessons I've learned in life. They help me see where I've been and how far I've come. They help me see blessings I didn't know I had.


Wonderful Women

Whenever I reflect on the past, it is evident that I have had the BEST women placed in my life. I have the best girlfriends, roommates, mission companions, family members, ward members, neighbors, teammates, etc. I largely attribute the success and joy in my life to the women that have shaped me. It blows my mind when I think about how blessed I am to have so many great people in my life.


Christmas has always been one of my favorite times of the year. I love Christmas lights. I love plotting and planning the best gifts to give people.  I love the feeling that comes into my soul as I listen to Christmas music. I am grateful for the reason for the season. I am grateful for all the good people do in the world this time of year. I am grateful I get to think more about others happiness than my own. I am grateful for time off work, and time with loved ones.



1 comment:

  1. This was a wonderful post and very inspiring. (I may copy this idea because I loved reading it so much!) Thank you for sharing!
