Thursday, July 28, 2016

Out with the OLD, in with the NEW!

This has been the theme thus far for 2016.


This has by far been the best change that I didn't really know I needed. It all started when I was on my 3rd boss in 3 1/2 years. Turns out three times was NOT the charm. And I had to get out. I had never been so unhappy and miserable in all my life. I was making plans to bail out of Logan and move into my mother's basement at the second I could- I was totally desperate.

This is story is evidence to me that miracles happen and prayers are heard. When I got my old job on campus, the process from applying to hiring was THREE MONTHS. It took forever. And to be honest I've applied at other jobs on campus since and didn't even get a response that they got my application, let alone an interview. I gave myself a month to get a new job on campus, then I was bailing and moving in my mom's basement. And based on my past experience with jobs on campus, I was saving boxes to start packing.

Well, there was only one job on campus I applied for that would be in my realm of knowledge. A week later I had an interview! Which turned out to be one of the BEST interviews I've ever been in. I just felt so much peace after I left and knew that even if I didn't get the job, I was going to be okay. 3 days later, I was told they wanted to hire me! I was over the moon that the impossible had worked out. And I was making more money. And I was getting off 30 minutes earlier every day. And I could park in the same parking lot as the building I worked in. Win-Win-Win!


Dan left for New York City two days after graduating with the Business School to tour different companies and get his feet wet in the big old world of finance. He had an awesome time and I'm really thankful he was able to go. Neither of us come from families where our dad's went to college and earned a degree-- and Dan getting a degree is something that is really important to us.

Since returning, he has been studying hours and hours every day for the GRE. As luck would have it, his hard work paid off and Dan will be starting his Master's degree at Utah State this fall in Financial Economics. I am SO PROUD of him for how hard he's worked! It's truly been such a journey for both of us to get to this point. Thankfully- the program is only 1 year. He'll start August 2016 and end in August 2017. So this summer we are living it up before school becomes all consuming for the next year!!!


We'd been in our previous ward for almost FOUR years! I love all the wonderful ward members we met, loved, and became friends with! But I'd been feeling the need for a change for months... which is really weird because if there is one thing I don't like-- it's unnecessary change. But after months and months of just not feeling quite right, we made the jump to a new ward! The first week, we were both a little nervous, but now that it's been about a month, we're feeling more at home every week.

#AGE26 --> #AGE27

So I Googled, "articles about turning 27" to see what ridiculous expectations there were, advice, etc. Turns out you can't shop at any sort of young adult clothing store, or wear nail polish with glitter once you're 27. As fate would have it, I found some killer deals on OPI glitter nail polish on the last day of my 26th year of life and got a new outfit at H&M the day of my birthday. Call me a rebel.

I'm officially in "my late twenties" which is awesome. I have loved my twenties. It's a little bit freaky to think about being on my way to the thirties- but really when I think about it, the older I get the more I am happy with the path I'm on. I like the feeling of progression. I like looking back and seeing how my life is nothing like I expected-- but that it's oh so much better.

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