Thursday, May 30, 2013

"I Don't Know about You- But I'm feeling 22... I mean 24"


Well it was a little less painful than turning 23 surprisingly. I thought I'd do a little self reflection and come up with 24 things I love in life.

1- I love the sun. I love the feeling of being just a little sunburned. It gives me this feeling of being alive.

2- I love ART. I love looking at art, and wandering through museums full of it.

3- I love Asian people! I love their food, I love their natural beauty, I just love them.

4- I love eating Indian food. Especially at Tandoori Oven in Logan (which shares its venue with a Sinclair gas station).

5- I love pretty things.

6- I love getting dressed in the morning and finding a new combination of clothes to wear every day. And someday I will have a closet as great as this.

7- I love cleaning and organizing. This is super therapeutic to me. It almost feels like it's in my blood-- I can't live any other way but in an organized mess :)

8- I love progression. I love moving forward, overcoming, and achieving. It's so fulfilling to me no matter how large or small it may be.

9- I love reading. Mysteries, Fiction, Scriptures, the news, blogs, whatever.

10- I love the color pink.  I always have since forever. I don't wear it too often, but it will always be my color.

11- I love bargains.  I have a life policy that I never buy anything full price. If you don't already know this, there is such thing as a "shoppers high"... and it's fabulous.

12- I love people who are comfortable with themselves.  I really enjoy people who just are open and honest about who they are: their like, dislikes, feelings, mistakes, etc. They accept themselves and accept others.  They value difference and individuality.  They make me feel so good about who I am right now.  It's really hard for me to be around people who are comparative to everyone around them about everything. (Sorry, that was a long one!)

13- I love hockey games and demolition derbys. They are probably the most "violent" forms of entertainment I enjoy. There is just something so thrilling about them!

14- I love Egyptian culture.  I think it is so fascinating.

15- I love understanding people's thought processes.  I like asking questions to understand why people act/react, or make the choices they do.

16- I love Chocolate.  Yum yum yum!

17- I love space.  I love movies about space. Every once in awhile when I'm looking up at the stars,  I'll have this overwhelming feeling of how incredible and amazing the universe is.

18- I love ocean life.  I think the plant and animal life is so COOL! Sea World is better than Christmas for me.

19- I love making lists (Ha bet no one could guess that). It's just how my brain thinks and it's how I stay organized.

20- I love candles. If I can afford to do so, I will always have a candle on hand in our apartment burning.  The smell of my home is really important to me.

21- I love traveling. I really enjoy the change of pace and life it brings, I love how refreshing it is to enjoy different sceneries, people, culture, etc.

22- I love survival situations. I love movies about surviving through natural disasters, space invasions, zombie apocalypse, etc. I kind of have always wanted to experience some sort of natural disaster- not to major, but enough for an adrenaline rush!

23- I love eyelashes.  Whenever I meet someone, one of the first things I look at are their eyelashes... super weird I know. I just think they are so flattering on people! Maybe someday I'll be able to afford getting them done.

24- This last one is a summary of the most important things: I love my dearest husband Dan the Man, I love my Family, and I love my religion.

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