Tuesday, June 4, 2013


So every once in awhile, you come across a little something in life that makes you laugh so hard you cry every time you think about it. So before you continue reading, I insist that you watch the video below! It's only five minutes, and if you wanna catch the highlights, forward to the following times:

The Prancercise Walk: Start at Beginning
The Prancercise Trot (It's really hot!): 1:17
The Prancercise Gallop (cut the noose and let it loose!): 2:23
 The Prancercise Shadow Box (it's better to be punching into space, than in your face!): 3:30
The Wrap-Up: 4:43

If you think this is great, wait until you check out her website! 

And if you think that is great, wait until you click on her book at Amazon.com and read the reviews!

 Oh my I cannot get over this picture with the photoshopped horse!

 So now you have met Joanna Rohrback, Owner/MGR.M of Prancercise LLC!

Sometimes I don't know how people come up with this stuff! 
So next time you are out walking your dog, doing your morning exercise, or walking through the mall, don't be afraid to get a little prancercise in! And remember, "Get out there, and have some fun!"

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