Friday, June 14, 2013

& then there was light

Over the past year, I have had women in my life face more trials than I could ever begin to comprehend.  They have been so inspiring, and I want to share their stories and invite you to help them find the light at this end of this tunnel of trials.


Bailee Brinkerhoff is a dear friend from my mission. She kept me sane a hundred times over during the hardest of times! Last fall, she met and fell in love with an incredible guy named Taylor Morris. They are FINALLY getting married August 9th!
 Click here for their story, you won't regret it. Their optimism blows me out of the water!

 The beautiful Madeline Rose

Taylor walking for the first time since the accident

 One of their engagement pics! Taylor's back brace being a prop.

PLEASE WATCH THEIR FILM! It says it so much better than I can. And if you feel you can, help them find the light at this end of this tunnel of trials.  They have over $340,000 of medical expenses to pay.

Here is a link to their blog:

Here is what they have put together in honor of Madeline Rose (and if you are a runner, you'll want to check this out!):


Amy Wengert starting working on the same floor as me a few months ago. She is also a newly of about 7 months. Here is her story:
This link will take you to a quick video of the latest story

Amy and Dallin have a long and unknown road ahead of them. For this reason family and friends and uniting to raise money to help Dallin's long-term recovery and other costs associated with the accident. If you are able to and would like to donate, please follow the link below. Thank you in advance!"

 Amy has also since announced that she is expecting a baby in January.

Here is a news article you can read about the accident:

You can join their Facebook group for daily updates on how Dallin and Amy are doing:

My Thoughts:

    I can't imagine being in either of these situations.  But when I try to, it's incredibly humbling. Bailee and Amy are rocks. Being engaged, newlyweds, or pregnant with these kinds of tragedies... not so sure that is something I could handle with the kind of optimism and faith they have.  However, I do know that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. And I do know it will come.


  1. Thanks for this post, such a good reminder of what is really important in our lives and how we shouldn't take anything for granted

    1. Thanks Ashley! I just discovered your blog, I'm a fan!
