Thursday, August 25, 2016

Week 11: Fruity Goodness

Sleep: Not as great as last week. Lots of tossing and turning this week for some reason!

Symptoms: My bra no longer fits, nor the majority of shorts/pants I own. Which seems too soon for only being 11 weeks... but nonetheless, I'm hating wearing clothes right now. 

Food cravings: I've never been a big fruit person until this last week! Grapes, citrus, fruit juice, lemonade, give me all the fruit! 

Food aversions: BRUSSEL SPROUTS. The smell alone in a restaurant this last week almost made me walk out never eat anything ever again. 

Gender: Dan and I are still at odds. He's convinced it's a girl, I have no doubt it's a boy.

What I miss: This week, it was Dr. Pepper... like I salivate at the thought of that delicious beverage. 

What I'm loving: I'm feeling SO much better when it comes to nausea and heartburn. I can't believe how much better I'm feeling- night and day difference. The timing of me feeling super sick has been perfect, terrible, but perfect. I'm really hoping that with Dan starting school next week I can tolerate food and cooking so we don't starve or spend all our money eating out... 

What I'm looking forward to: Only 3 more weeks until our next ultrasound!

Best Moment this Week: Dan let me take an hour nap while he made funeral potatoes for a relief society dinner for me... and then ended up staying up till 1am to finish his homework because he'd spent so long helping me! That man-- I could kiss his face all day!

Words of Wisdom: Marry a gem of a man, Dan has literally saved me these last 3-4 weeks with accommodating my ridiculous food requests and denials, letting me sleep, doing the dishes to avoid me gagging over the smell of anything/everything, the list could go on and on. I owe him big time!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Week 10: The Real Deal

Total weight gain/loss: Notta on either. Just hating food.

Maternity clothes: Well I had to use the rubber band trick on a pair of capri's the other week... 

Sleep: Sleeping like a log, wake up feeling like one too. Even painting my toe nails sounds exhausting. Definitely lacking energy at this point.

Symptoms: HEARTBURN + NAUSEA ... Food has not been my friend for the past 3 weeks. I have been driving poor Dan CRAZY over the smell of everything, the taste of everything, and indecisiveness of what I can/want to eat for every meal. Thankfully no throwing up though :)

Food cravings: Lemonade.

Food aversions: Dairy. Which is so weird because I LOVE milk and dairy! But it makes me feel so terrible right now! And absolutely nothing spicy. 

Gender: I always thought we'd have a girl first, but for some reason, every since I've been sick-- just have this feeling its going to be one handful of a little boy.

What I miss: I'm dying to eat a turkey club sandwich and a fire roasted hotdog. Oh and a tuna sandwich. Hot food is hard to eat right now, and all the cold food I like, I need lunch meat and tuna for.

What I'm loving: How absolutely patient Dan has been these last three weeks. How much I can see we are not alone in this journey of parenthood already.

What I'm looking forward to: Coming up with all the different ways to tell our family + friends in about 5 weeks

Best Moment this Week: Going to our first ultrasound and hearing the baby's heartbeat + seeing the little thing wiggle like crazy already. It was so surreal and reassuring that the little thing was there, that I wasn't miscarrying again, that I could actually start thinking about the future and getting attached to baby. I've been pretty emotionally distant from this pregnancy up till now.

Words of Wisdom: I've only ever heard about morning sickness as the worst part of pregnancy. No one has EVER mentioned heartburn... it's a real thing... and it's real awful. You've been warned!

Monday, August 15, 2016

First Ultrasound: 10 Weeks

Monday- August 15th @ 10:00-11:45am

I was so anxious for this day. Thankfully we had spent the last two weeks getting ready/went on a family trip to Portland to make the time pass a little more quickly. I knew the drill. I knew where to check in, I knew what room they would direct me to, I knew where the ultrasound would be done. I'd been here, done it all before in April when I miscarried.

Only this time Dan was with me, and I've been feeling TERRIBLE-- so perhaps with some emotional support and more symptoms I was allowed to be more optimistic. I didn't feel like a raisin in a bag of m&m's sitting in the waiting room with giant pregnant bellies, brand new babies, and happy couples this time. This time, I could be considered a new initiation among the OBGYN waiting room club.

When the nurse brought us back and asked us the first few questions, she automatically congratulated us on our pregnancy-- and I'm 98% sure that I didn't say a word back to her because I was so annoyed that she would do that when know one even knew if there was a healthy, live baby growing in me yet. She probably thought I was the least excited new mom ever. But I was not letting myself get my hopes up too high until I saw that heartbeat and tiny human on a black and white screen.

We got through our questions, sat around waiting for the ultrasound room to be free-- then it was finally our turn! The nurse brought us back to the ultrasound room and left us in there for about 60 seconds while she grabbed our doctor. I finally let myself get emotional. Either way I was going to cry no matter what the ultrasound revealed. There was so much anticipation built up in me I wanted to burst.

The doctor came in, I got up on that table and took a deep breath as I was about to find out what was going on inside me. I think it only took 1 second before I saw what I'd seen on any ultrasound picture I've ever seen. This doctor was good, he landed right on the baby. And there the little thing was... It was real. I had a wiggly little being with arms and legs popping up on the screen. I didn't cry like I thought I would, I think I was actually in shock. We heard the fast little heartbeat, saw it moving, and it was so surreal. I felt like I was witnessing a miracle. Which is exactly what it was. Because anyone who's tried to have a kids and has to work hard at it-- knows it is the definition of a miracle to create life. I was in such awe.

Afterwards, Dan and I went to lunch for Chinese food. We talked, but both of us were in such deep thought as to what we had just seen and what it meant. Excitement, of course! Fear, of course. Gratitude, absolutely.

We (mostly me) decided that we'd wait until our 2nd ultrasound in 5 weeks to make sure again that everything was still okay-- and then we'd tell people. Sure hope these next 5 weeks go fast and that I don't show too much in that time!