Thursday, August 25, 2016

Week 11: Fruity Goodness

Sleep: Not as great as last week. Lots of tossing and turning this week for some reason!

Symptoms: My bra no longer fits, nor the majority of shorts/pants I own. Which seems too soon for only being 11 weeks... but nonetheless, I'm hating wearing clothes right now. 

Food cravings: I've never been a big fruit person until this last week! Grapes, citrus, fruit juice, lemonade, give me all the fruit! 

Food aversions: BRUSSEL SPROUTS. The smell alone in a restaurant this last week almost made me walk out never eat anything ever again. 

Gender: Dan and I are still at odds. He's convinced it's a girl, I have no doubt it's a boy.

What I miss: This week, it was Dr. Pepper... like I salivate at the thought of that delicious beverage. 

What I'm loving: I'm feeling SO much better when it comes to nausea and heartburn. I can't believe how much better I'm feeling- night and day difference. The timing of me feeling super sick has been perfect, terrible, but perfect. I'm really hoping that with Dan starting school next week I can tolerate food and cooking so we don't starve or spend all our money eating out... 

What I'm looking forward to: Only 3 more weeks until our next ultrasound!

Best Moment this Week: Dan let me take an hour nap while he made funeral potatoes for a relief society dinner for me... and then ended up staying up till 1am to finish his homework because he'd spent so long helping me! That man-- I could kiss his face all day!

Words of Wisdom: Marry a gem of a man, Dan has literally saved me these last 3-4 weeks with accommodating my ridiculous food requests and denials, letting me sleep, doing the dishes to avoid me gagging over the smell of anything/everything, the list could go on and on. I owe him big time!

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