Friday, October 13, 2017

Decrescendo Drive

Definition of Decrescendo: a decrease in loudness

Exactly 2 months ago I wrote a blog about how it felt like it was going to take forever to move onto our next big thing: a house.

And exactly 2 months later, Dan and I closed on a house.

Can I just say, HOLY CRAP.

My life again continues to not go as planned at all, and work out so much better than I could have ever planned.

It happened so fast, this house thing. We went house hunting on September 2nd. I found my dream home the 3rd house we went to. And we were not supposed to find a house. No sireee. That was not in the plans. It was more just to look, figure out what we could get, decide what the most important things were for us in a house. But there it was. And something about it called out to me. And I could see myself spending Grady's first Christmas there. And I could see us being really happy to come home to such a place every night. And then October 10th- it was a done deal. We were homeowners.

Now before you go thinking, man- Megan just gets everything she wants, her life is perfect. You should know, I've never had so many sleepless/late nights in my life over worrying. Worrying that this was too good to be true. Worrying that this was going to be the greatest financial downfall of my life. Worrying that I wanted this house so much, I was blinded to reality. It's been a crazy and stressful few weeks. Dan and I have spent hours going over every detail of our finances, going over all the repairs the house needed, and just plain trying to decide if this was right for our family.

Getting this house is a risk for sure. It's going to cost us a LOT of blood, sweat, and tears getting it fixed up and ready to move into. But I just keep thinking about the end result: Our House on Decrescendo Drive. We'll have a place to call home. A place where there is a decrease in loudness from the world, and an increase in growing and loving each other as a little family. A place where we are out of the city, and can see the mountains.

I'm so excited, and equally terrified. Let the fun begin!

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