Tuesday, December 18, 2018

May Your Days Be Merry & Bright!

Dan the Dad

Well as always, this year’s Wouden Family MVP award goes to Dan. Dan has been working at Merrick Bank in South Jordan for a year and a half now. He’s just taken on some new responsibilities at work and is excited to see what new challenges that brings. Dan has been working with the scouts this last year and has had a great time reliving his childhood adventures through them. One of the yearly highlights for Dan is going to Lake Powell with the Wouden family. Dan’s dreams especially came true when he got to take Grady out for his first wave runner ride!

Meg the Mom

I tell you what, the stay at home mom life is pretty great! As long as Dan makes it home by 5:00 and I get my break ha ha! It has been very fulfilling working so hard this year on our home, our yard, and chasing our little boy around all day. The feeling of being established has been so refreshing! The highlight of my year was FINALLY going on a trip to Disneyland, just Dan and I for 4 days. It was MAGICAL being just the two of us with no nap schedule or diapers for a few days—but boy we missed our little guy!  The all boy life has been treating me very well!

Grady the Baby

Holy cow, this boy keeps growing and getting more handsome! He is 21 months old now and continues to be in the 90th% for height, weight, and head size! Grady is the best. And I know we're completely biased, but he really is. He's got a great sense of humor- he loves to laugh, make other people laugh, and be silly! He loves cars, tractors, airplanes, boats- anything that he can ride on, or that has wheels. He loves animals and is starting to get pretty good at making animal noises when you ask him to! Grady is equally a momma's boy, and a daddy's boy. And we love that about him!

We are continually humbled by the love and support our family receives from friends and family near and far! Wishing you and yours the very merriest of Christmases this year!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Summer 2018 is going down in my book as the best yet.

We have had SUCH a good time ENJOYING being a family of three, and not just SURVIVING as a family of three.

There have been endless trials for our little family since Fall 2016. They have all been things that I NEVER could have comprehended experiencing. And have rocked our lives like a boat on a stormy sea during a never-ending hurricane. I have felt so stretched, torn, twisted, and terrified. And we finally made, and perhaps were given, the time to heal. To remember what joy felt like.

The fireworks, splash pads, nightly visits to the park, boating, tubing, jet-skiing. THE SUN. The yard work, the road trips, hiking, the dinners on the grill. Lagoon, Disneyland, the Dinosaur Park, and weekly visits to Thanksgiving Point. It all led to a healing we desperately needed. Healing through time- time with each other as a family, time in nature, time to progress.

And now, we'll take a deep breath as we plunge into the next season of our life- this time with a more conscious effort to not just endure our challenges, but to find joy during them.

Summer, you were my best friend through it all. Let's get together again soon!

Monday, February 5, 2018


Well I just wanted to pop on and say we are in our house! And it's a beautiful disaster and probably will be for SEVERAL months. Because as it turns out, getting 2 things checked off my to-do list is a HUGE accomplishment these days... Mr Grady keeps my hands, heart, and time FULL. And to be honest, that's been a huge adjustment for me... I'm a very task oriented person, and being a mom is not a task oriented job. Because having a baby for my boss is like herding cats all day! haha

I also have realized how REAL the word "homemaker" actually is... and that making somewhere a home is no small thing. Making a home is one of the things I've looked forward to the most as I've climbed up the adulting ladder. Now if only I had a whole bank account dedicated to make all my decorating dreams come true...

Anyways, now that we've been in our home for a month, it's starting to feel a little more like home-- and less like a very large and messy hotel full of boxes. People would keep asking us if we were moved in yet, and "moved in" implies to me more of the idea of being settled, unpacked, feeling established... so I would reply that we are "boxed in"... we have all our boxes under one roof and sleep among the boxes if that's what you consider "moved in"... but I think we're passed the boxed in stage and more in the organized mess stage... maybe?

Also, I'm never moving or packing again... at least for 5 + years... preferably 10...

Thursday, December 21, 2017

So. Much. Change.

This last year has been one of those major life changing years. I have been rereading a lot of my blog posts, and going through pictures of my life over the last 5 years since being married and HOLY MOLY. I feel like I am such a different person now than I was even a year ago. I have such a different perspective on so many things. I've had to adult on so many new levels, I feel as if I've lost my youth and gained a lot of responsibilities.

There have been so many changes in the last year of my life, I hardly recognize it as MY life any more. I feel as if everything before Grady was born feels like a dream... and it's so weird. I can't quite figure out how to wrap my head around everything that's happened, is happening, and is going to happen. SO MUCH CHANGE. I really can't think about it, or I start to get somewhat freaked out that life is so different and there is so much uncertainty ahead.

I remember having these feelings when I was coming home from my mission. My days had been 100% scheduled out for the last 18 months, and suddenly I was coming home to my entire life ahead of me and no plans. Heavenly Father sure took care of that fast and threw Mr. Daniel Wouden into my life before I could hardly make plans. That was a huge blessing.

For about the last 5 years, I've had a set schedule, a routine if you will. I knew where I'd be every day from 8-5, Dan had classes and work till most nights between 8-10. I knew where EVERYTHING in Logan was. I knew how much my bills were every month. I knew my neighbors. I knew the clerks at the grocery stores. I had consistency.

My life has become completely inconsistent for the THIRD time this year. I don't know my neighbors. I don't know if I'll like my ward. I don't know if I'll like the renters living in our basement. I don't know if I'll ever make friends like I had in Logan. I don't know how to own or take care of a home/yard. I don't know how to be a mom alone all day again. I don't know how to be such an adult! And if there's one thing I hate, it's the unknown. I am like an old lady. I like being comfortable and having my habits and routines. Turns out, that's not life.

Life is chaotic, and messy. It's every changing and always moving. Especially now that we have a baby. And if there is one thing I know and that's been proven over and over, Heavenly Father takes care of me. Especially at these giant crossroads where I really struggle with change. And I know he'll do it again. I know it's going to be challenging, but I know just to even get to this challenge in life is a huge blessing.

It's 4 days before Christmas. We are still finishing our house. Our things are 3/4 of the way packed up in boxes. We have no Christmas tree, or stockings, or any sort of decoration. This is going to be a VERY different Christmas this year than every before. We have a baby, and having Grady makes me all sorts of emotional when I think about the Christmas story... riding on a donkey for days being giantly pregnant, giving birth in a stable, laying my baby in a manger of hay... I weep thinking about it all. I've never spent so little on presents for Dan. We agreed to have a VERY small christmas due to the large amount of expenses we've had in fixing up our home.

And I am hoping and praying that I feel some sort of magic... some deeper understanding about the true meaning of Christmas by eliminating the "worldy" aspects this year. I'm hoping that this whole new year will bring out the best in me. That the last 12 months have literally felt like riding the "Wild Mouse" at Lagoon, feeling like I'm going to fall off at every new turn or change life throws my way, and some how I'm still inside my cart and hanging on for the next part of the ride (which by the way I hope resembles sky ride that takes you across the park, is quiet and peaceful with a view).

I'm hoping for miracles. That all the things I don't know, will be made known in due time, and that they will all turn out for the absolute best. That I will have confirmations I'm in the right place, at the right time, and doing the right things.

Because when all is said and done, what I really want is PEACE. And I know that true and lasting peace only comes through my Savior. So here's to Peace and Christmas and Change.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Wouden Christmas Card 2017

As usual, we aren't doing Christmas cards this year. And as usual, I'll say, "maybe next year..." haha

So here's a little update for our family and friends + sending love your way for the holidays!


The biggest things that have happened for our family the last 12 months:
- Grady was born in March, by far the best thing that's changed our lives!
- Dan finished classes for his Master's Degree in May and accepted a job in South Jordan at Merrick Bank
- I quit my job at USU and have been LOVING the mom life
- We MOVED out of Logan! We've been living with Dan's parents for the last six months in Taylorsville
- We are homeowners! We found a place to call home in Eagle Mountain and are planning to move in by the end of the year.


If there is anyone who should get the MVP award this year, it's Dan. Good gracious that man has worked SO hard this year. Finishing his Master's degree with a new baby at home was no easy task, but he rocked it. Then Dan had the best thing ever happen-- he was able to stay home the FULL month of May with Grady Baby and just be the Dad. And some how during that time, managed to land a job with an amazing company who treats him and our family like GOLD. For the last 8 weeks, he's been going out to our house when he gets off work and staying till 10 o'clock every night fixing it up and doing all the renovations so we can move in. He hasn't complained about it once. He's been our rock and I am so thankful for ALL he's done this last 12 months.


My greatest wish came true and I've been able to stay home with Grady since June. I chopped all my hair off and that was probably one of the best decisions I've made hair-wise in a long time! I've been getting Pinterest crazy trying to figure out how to turn our house into a home and it's been a lot of fun (except for my first meltdown about which gray paint to choose! haha thanks for your help Jess!) For years I never thought I'd enjoy being a mother and staying home-- I mean what is there to do all day right?! Turns out I really do LOVE it and I really do have full and busy days. It's a kind of work that is so fulfilling and takes the whole heart. It's pretty wonderful and definitely full of curve balls! Life has been very humbling for me this year, but brought me so much happiness + blessings I never saw coming.


Grady is our greatest joy! He spoils us to death with being such a happy and go-with-the-flow little chub. He's not a terrible sleeper, but he's not one to sleep 12 hours straight either. This boy has been in the 90+% for height and weight the majority of his life. He's a BIG boy! It's been a circus trying to keep up with the amount of clothes sizes he's gone through, he's growing so fast.  He's had the pukes 3-4 times so far, pink eye, and survived the teething of a single tooth! I can't go anywhere, and I mean anywhere, without being stopped by someone who tells me how chubby and beautiful he is. Most of the time, it's someone telling me how their babies were this chunky too #chunkybabymomsunite  Grady has been SO patient with us as we've been out at our house doing renovations for the last 2 months and he's stuck in his high chair or playing with makeshift distractions we give him. He LOVES tags, kitties + puppies, playing peek-a-boo, and taking his naps in our bed. We can't believe he's 9 months now! Time is FLYING!


Much love, The Woudens

Friday, October 13, 2017

Decrescendo Drive

Definition of Decrescendo: a decrease in loudness

Exactly 2 months ago I wrote a blog about how it felt like it was going to take forever to move onto our next big thing: a house.

And exactly 2 months later, Dan and I closed on a house.

Can I just say, HOLY CRAP.

My life again continues to not go as planned at all, and work out so much better than I could have ever planned.

It happened so fast, this house thing. We went house hunting on September 2nd. I found my dream home the 3rd house we went to. And we were not supposed to find a house. No sireee. That was not in the plans. It was more just to look, figure out what we could get, decide what the most important things were for us in a house. But there it was. And something about it called out to me. And I could see myself spending Grady's first Christmas there. And I could see us being really happy to come home to such a place every night. And then October 10th- it was a done deal. We were homeowners.

Now before you go thinking, man- Megan just gets everything she wants, her life is perfect. You should know, I've never had so many sleepless/late nights in my life over worrying. Worrying that this was too good to be true. Worrying that this was going to be the greatest financial downfall of my life. Worrying that I wanted this house so much, I was blinded to reality. It's been a crazy and stressful few weeks. Dan and I have spent hours going over every detail of our finances, going over all the repairs the house needed, and just plain trying to decide if this was right for our family.

Getting this house is a risk for sure. It's going to cost us a LOT of blood, sweat, and tears getting it fixed up and ready to move into. But I just keep thinking about the end result: Our House on Decrescendo Drive. We'll have a place to call home. A place where there is a decrease in loudness from the world, and an increase in growing and loving each other as a little family. A place where we are out of the city, and can see the mountains.

I'm so excited, and equally terrified. Let the fun begin!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Have a Piece of Humble Pie

Since the day of Grady's due date, my life has been one GIANT piece of humble pie. Actually, it feels like it's been a WHOLE humble pie.

Being induced was one piece of humble pie. It was terrifying to me. I did NOT want to have a c-section and I knew my odds were increased in my situation. Everything worked out miraculously, and I was able to have our sweet Grady just the way I wanted-- and I don't know what I did to deserve things going in my favor. But I had a great experience, and Grady was perfect and healthy and more than I could have ever imagined. And I literally pray 2-3 times every day in my heart thanking Heavenly Father for letting me be Grady's mom.

And that was my first piece of humble pie.

Having my mom stay a whole week with Dan and I was another piece of humble pie. I am a very independent person-- I feel happy and fulfilled when I take care of myself and our little family. However, I could not have survived that first week without her. She was amazing. She was up at all hours of the night with me, made all our meals, cleaned our apartment top to bottom, changed our sheets, did the grocery shopping, went way above and beyond anything I could have expected. I remember thinking, I'll only have her stay 3 days max... HA! I am ever so grateful and humbled for the incredible way she took care of the three of us and loved our Grady boy more than any Grandma has ever loved her grandbaby.

And that was my second piece of humble pie.

Once my mom left, and Dan was back at school and gone from 8am-10pm almost every day-- it was just me and Grady. And I was again, TERRIFIED. What was I supposed to do with this little guy? How am I supposed to shower? How am I supposed to have time to cook? How much longer until I will feel better? I remember crying multiple times that second week, because I was just so overwhelmed. And I prayed more than I had in a long time. And my prayers were answered through meal after meal that was brought by ward members, friends, and family. I was so humbled... and again, so grateful. I had countless people texting and calling, and sweet friends who invited me to go on walks with them. The fear left day by day, and my maternity leave was such a precious and wonderful 8 weeks with Baby Grady. I loved it and was so humbled that I was able to receive full pay for the full 8 weeks I was gone from work.

And I was sure this was where my humble pie pieces would end. Reality was going to set in, we'd been so blessed to make it this far.

The end of my maternity leave came... and I had to go back to work. Dan was officially the stay at home Dad, and I was officially a working mom. I was terrified (are you seeing a pattern here?). I had no idea how I was supposed to be showered, dressed, and awake enough to work for the next 8 hours after being up with Grady 2-3 times a night. I had no idea how I was going to find time to pump at work every day, and be able to feed Grady in the car on my lunch break. I had no idea how Dan was going to handle being home with Grady all day. I had no idea how I was going to handle being away from Grady all day.

Dan gave me a priesthood blessing the night before I went back to work. And my first day back at work was great! My boss was absolutely incredible. He went above and beyond to make sure I had enough time/privacy/space to pump at work. I missed Grady, but I never was worried about him or felt emotionally distraught being away from him... and I didn't expect that. Everyone at work was SO kind, and so supportive-- and honestly I think it was really good for me to get back in the groove of work for awhile. It helped me learn that I could leave the house. And it helped Dan learn to love and bond with Grady in a way he never would have. And I was so humbled at how well this was working out. Don't get me wrong-- it was still hard, and I was still tired. But I had a strength that came from somewhere totally beyond what I am capable of.

And I was served another piece of humble pie.

I knew that Dan getting through school was going to be hard, but I knew the hardest part was going to be finding a job. We had talked and decided that I would keep working full time and he would stay home with Grady and apply for jobs all summer. And if by the end of August, nothing had changed-- then we would think about plan B, potentially moving in with one of our parents. When I went back to work, I had the mindset that I was there for the long haul. I prayed my whole maternity leave, and every day after, that Dan would find a job that would not just make money-- but would allow him to be home with us at a decent time every day. None of this Goldman Sachs 60+ hours a weeks garbage they make all the new grads do. And after praying for a good family man job, I prayed for the strength to wait for that job. That I'd be able to work and be a mom for as long as it took.

Two weeks after I went back to work, Dan was offered and accepted a job in South Jordan at Merrick Bank. And I was in shock. And I was overwhelmed and thrilled. It was the job we'd been praying for. And I couldn't believe how incredibly fast it happened. And as fast as the job came, was as fast as they wanted him to start. We had to pack up and move in 2 weeks.

And I was served my next piece of humble pie.

I was terrified to tell my boss that I was quitting. Like sick to my stomach, shaky hands, couldn't imagine how much he was going to hate me. He could have just cut me loose 10 weeks ago and had a new assistant by now. But he had been so patient, and so generous, and so kind. And I knew how big of a pain in the butt this would be for him. So I brought him in 2 cans of Diet Coke, closed his office door, and told him what had happened. I apologized over and over, and even cried-- I couldn't help it. His reaction was, "What can we do to help you?"

And I was shocked, and my piece of humble pie was thrown at my face this time. I told him "nothing!" But he of course knew just what I needed.

Our new insurance with Dan's work wouldn't kick in for a solid month after he started work. And my Boss helped me figure out how I could get our insurance to carry through for a solid month after I quit. And another piece of humble pie was slid across the desk to me. And then a dear woman who worked in a different office in my building, had enough boxes for us to pack up our whole apartment with. We were in a major time crunch and I had already tried finding cardboard boxes for a few hours one day with not much success. She saved our bacon.

And by this time, I knew that had to be the last piece of my humble pie.

Packing up in 2 weeks was somewhat of a joke. And finding somewhere to live in 2 weeks was an even bigger joke. And I knew what this all meant.... my worst nightmare. Living with my in-laws. I can't tell you the number of meltdowns, and I mean MELTDOWNS I had during those 2 weeks of moving as I thought about what it mean to live with my in-laws. You'd have thought after all the crying I've done the last three months, I'd be out of tears. Turns out I have a rather large reservoir. But guess who were the ones who ended up really moving us out, cleaning our apartment, and getting us down to SLC? My in-laws. My Father-in-law, and brother/sister in-law seriously saved us. We'd still be trying to pack up and clean that apartment to this day.

Just the whipped cream on top of my humble pie.

The Next Humble Pie... (the one with the nuts)

Now it's 2 months later. And it's all been such a blur. But I'm living my dream of staying home with our baby boy. And now I'm eating a different kind of humble pie. The kind of humble pie that teaches patience, that makes you work on your faults. I'm learning how to live in someone else's home, and to share everything with them. 60% of everything I own is in a box somewhere, along with my own bed, all our furniture. I'm learning how to live in "the big city" after growing up in Morgan and living most of my life outside of Morgan in Logan... heaven help me! I'm in a ward full of people who are a minimum of twice my age and I have yet to find anything in common with. The housing market is terrible for buyers right now, and it feels like forever before we'll even have a down payment anyway.

But it's all good. Because I get to spend every day taking care of Grady and love and smother him all day. And we're paying off debts that we otherwise wouldn't be able to for a long while. And the housing market will cool off.

My first humble pie is absolute evidence to me that we are where we need to be. And all my fears were resolved, and all my prayers answered. And I know it'll happen again. In the right time, in the right way. Let's just all pray that I learn my lessons living with the in-laws the first time, so I don't have to do this again :)