Monday, May 21, 2012

Engaged for the Last 48 Hours! To Eternity and Beyond!

Now that I have officially, publicly, declared that I will be Mrs. Wouden starting August 4, 2012 until the rest of forever, I feel the need to write! To express what my feelings have been the last 48 hours, what it feels like now that this moment of my life has happened and I now know who I'm going to marry!

I feel blissfully content and happy, I feel like life is oh so good, I feel like laughing and crying at the same time, I feel like I'm living what I've only dreamed about, but honesly didn't think existed. I feel this sense of pure joy, of knowing that I don't just have a good thing going in my life, but I've found the BEST thing I've ever had and he's going to be mine forever, and I'll be his forever. I feel anxious to be with him all the time, yet calm in knowing that we have nothing but time. I want to do everything I can to make him happy. I want to invent a teleportal so the distance of 40 minutes between us is shrunk to 40 seconds! I want to soak of up every minute of being engaged, cuz hey, this only happens once!

Those who've known me the past 2 years or so, (which prob isn't very many of you since I was a missionary for most of that time), know that I was a little bit... how should I say this... negative about the opposite sex? Had no desire to get married any time soon, laughed at the ridiculous ages young brides get married at, was really quite cynical about the whole married/dating world. As the end of my mission came, my bitterness turned into a little bit of fear as I realized how awful my attitude was about what potentially my next step in life could/should be. There were times I honestly didn't know if I could ever find someone that I could love and be around every day the rest of my life. That idea seemed so unrealistic. I watched families and couples in the wards I served in and prayed for help to be more open and accepting of others. Heavenly Father sent me 3 companions who helped me remember how to openly love people, and day by day, I could feel my heart opening up. That is a modern day miracle for me. Another evidence that God exists, because there is no way I could have done this by myself.

I think Heavenly Father knew that now he'd pryed my heart open the furthest it'd been in a long time, he had to stick something in it to keep it from closing... aka Daniel Robert Wouden! Within a week of being home from my mission, we went on our first date. May I add it was the best first date I'd ever been on! Everything was so natural, and so fun! Zero pressure, zero nervousness, I felt so happy! It was just like we'd been friends forever. I wasn't used to that. I went on a few other dates afterward that weren't bad by any means, but just didn't compare. We talked about everything, anything, no limits. Dan is seriously everything I could ever hope for. We are aware of eachothers weakneses, and love eachothers strengths.

The funniest phrase keeps coming to my mind- totally stealing the Toy Story quote, "To infinity and beyond" and changing it to "TO ETERNITY AND BEYOND!" I'm kinda new at this being engaged thing, but for all those who've wondered what it's like to be engaged, I love it! It's been a thrilling moment in my life!

Stay tuned for our engagement story! :)

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