Thursday, May 17, 2012

Friendship.. A ship that has Never Sunk

Lately I've been thinking a lot about the influence of friends, who are my friends, what kind of friend am I... things of this nature. It's led me to a few conclusions.

I have constantly been blessed with having amazing people, literally placed right in front of me every where I go. It has happened over and over again through various times in my life. It happened every year at Utah State, it happened when I lived in Atlanta, I've found friends at every single job I've had including now, all of my companions from my mission I call friends. That is a miracle! Finding true-blue, genuine friends are miracles. Is it easy to find friends? Am I just quick to call people friends? I don't think so.

High School: For me, I have 5 friends from High School I still talk to often, they remember my birthday, they wrote me on my mission, they show sincere interest in my life. These are the friends that have seen me grow the most, and the friends I've seen grow the most. I feel like I can talk to them about my mistakes, my sorrows, my embarrassing moments and they won't judge me. I can count on them to be there, and I have done my best to let them know I'd do the same for them.  Love you Brittney, Kylie, Natalie, Brandon, and Luke!

Roommates: My sophmore year at Utah State, I decided to room with absolutely no one I knew. I was super calm about it, even though I probably shouldn't have been. Living with 5 other girls I didn't know could have been a nightmare. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I made in college. These were friends who taught me how to incorporate the gospel into my everyday living. These were friends who took me home with them on the weekends and whose families loved me like their own child! These were probably three of the most oustanding women I've ever met. This was the year that 5 out of our 6 roommates went on missions. This was the funnest year of college! I love and respect these girls so much. Thank you for the unconditional love Kalie, Aubree, Sheri, Kylie, and Jen!

Companions: Being paired up with a girl for a minimum of 1,008 hours at a time on my mission was another potential disaster. From my first companion, down to my last, I had the most amazing times with these sisters. I gained a very firm testimony of friendships and that the Lord knows what he is doing when he pairs companios together. Were their times I thought I might kill one of them? Sure! Did it ever last? No! These girls really changed my life and influenced me in ways I never thought possible, they taught me about the scriptures, about communication, about loving people, about staying optimistic, being a hard worker, being all I could be. Here's to my fellow soldiers in God's Army! Melanie, Marissa, Sheri, Brittney, Erin, Kate, Lacey, and Yuzu!

I feel I have only scratched the surface of good friends, many whom I have I not even mentioned! Having good friends has been everything to me! Friends have honestly saved my life many times! I don't know how a person is to go through life without good friends! To me a good friend is someone that doesn't put you in a bad situation, but is willing to help you get out of one. To me a good friend is someone that is willing to listen and take your side, even if you're being a little over dramatic and irrational! A friend is someone you've had disagreements with, disagreements that you can overlook and leave in the past and they are willing to do the same. A really good friend can help you see your faults, and only makes you aware of them in the most gentle and loving way. I love my friends, I love being a friend to others.

I ache for those who have poor friends, or who have no friends. Really when I think about it, everyone should always have one friend, Jesus Christ. What an incredible friend he is indeed. But I want to be better friend. Not only to those who I call friends, but to those I know who are in desperate need of friendship.

 So here is to many friendships, ships that for me I will never let sink!

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