Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Service is the Cure for Wedding Dress Trauma

I may have had one of the most traumatizing experiences in my post mission life... I went and tried on wedding dresses today (no I'm not engaged yet, this is a whole other topic for another blog). It was awful. First off I wasn't in a very good mood because I was stressed about my mom making it down to the dress shop in time for us to actually do some looking around before it closed. Then some other events just added onto my bad mood... whatever!

So I make it into this first dress store called "The Gallery by Lynette". I was on the phone when I walked in, but no one greeted me or said anything. There were only 5 dresses in the front on display so I start wandering back to where the rows of dresses are, still on the phone. About 30 seconds after I've been looking up and down rows of wedding dresses, my mom appears with the sales lady out of no where. This sales lady starts talking to me and asking me questions while I'm on the phone, while I'm trying hard to end this phone conversation. I'm a little annoyed. So I get off the phone, turn to this sales lady as she finishes explaining that we not allowed to be back there... that we sit in the front while and describe to her what I want. I think she could tell my the look on the face that was not gonna go over well at this point. She then adds on, but if that is what you really want to do, you can stay back here as long as you have a sales associate with you the whole time.

Oh my.... what do they think I'm gonna shove one of these 30 pound dresses in my purse? So this lady stands there watching me like a hawk as I'm looking through these racks. Honestly, I just dont' think we got off to a good start. But it continues. I'm a girl who needs her freedom when she shops, I don't like being pressured, I don't like to worry about shopping at a fast pace if I'm with someone else, I just like to enjoy the thrill of finding an amazing bargain! Well this was breaking all my shopping rules and not helping my mood. So finally I pick out three dresses (cuz that's the max) and the hawk shows me to my dressing room... or should I say, OUR dressing room.

I get in this dressing room and she puts me behind a curtain and tells me to only leave on my underwear... I'm wondering at this point if she's planning on slipping a dress to me through the curtain or what. Oh no, she makes me walk out in my garments and neon green bra. Lovely. I feel like an idiot. So she throws on the first dress over my head, managing to some how unhook my bra... that was a bonding moment for the hawk and I as she helped me hook my bra back on. This seriously could not get any worse!!!
I get through 2 more dresses, not even caring what they look like anymore cuz I'm never coming back to this place! Oh and just to add on the cherry on top, another sales associate walks in after the hawk has just pulled the last dress over my head to see me standing in my garments and neon green bra again... She laughs and says, "Well there's a fashion statement for ya!", and closes the door. Couldn't have agreed more.

My mom asks me if I want to try on any other dresses, and the hawk quickly interjects, "I think she's tried on enough, they were all really different styles and I don't want her to get confused with what she likes by trying on more dresses." Um, what? I think that is code for, I'm done helping the girl in the bad mood. My mom asks if she will write down the dresses we tried on for us and the hawk replied, "Oh I'll remember them if you come back," and closed the door of the dressing room. May I add, she never even asked my name. How would she know what dresses I wore?

I booked it out there as fast as I could get the zipper of my pants up. NEVER AGAIN. I won't even go into detail about how the next store we went to kept telling me I was 2 sizes bigger than I am... no matter how times I told her I was a size 6... dress shopping is a joke! Note to self, never go dress shopping in a bad mood, or in a neon green bra.

Tonight has ended with going to do relief society visits for an hour and a half. There is nothing like serving others to lift your spirits. I have such a testimony of working when your grumpy. It's always so therapeutic to focus on others instead of yourself. I love that true principle. The gospel applies in our lives all the time. I think I'll end this crazy day with a couple chapters from the Book of Mormon...

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