Tuesday, May 13, 2014

1/4 of a century...

25 Things to Accomplish While I'm 25

  1. Become consistent. In anything and everything... just be a more consistent person.
  2. Give up chocolate for 1 year.  I really need to give up something that will help me learn self control and self discipline. Chocolate is my weakness, wish me luck.
  3. Knit a blanket. I did this for a Young Women's project when I was like 14, and I really enjoyed it. But I haven't done anything like that since.    
  4. Go to the temple 25 times.  I freaking live next door to the temple. I am never going to have this much time, or be this close to the temple ever again. I seriously need to take advantage more.
  5. Graduate from Institute. I never graduated when I was in school, but I've been going on my lunch breaks and I absolutely love it.
  6. Buy a car.  We have been saving since we've been married to buy a car, and I'm hoping we can make that happen this year.
  7. Read the Book of Mormon again.
  8. Jump at least one time while wake boarding this summer!
  9. Become friends with my future sister-in-law. I don't know her well at all and I'd like to change that.
  10. Be active. I really need to find something I enjoy doing for exercise, and DO IT!
  11. Go to a concert. I have not been to a concert in SO long. I don't even care what it is, just someone awesome! Katy Perry? Just kidding those tickets are as much as a car payment. But really it could be the best concert ever... I'm so torn.
  12. Master driving a stick-shift car.  I've been practicing, but it seriously will take me a year to get this down.
  13. Meet Kate Middleton.  This may be on my list of things to accomplish until I die, but I'm going to make it happen!
  14. Rent a car! I'm finally of age!
  15. Go to Guam... I don't even know what to do here, but I'm just going to do it!
  16. Go to Hawaii and hike the "Stairway to Heaven"... I might not survive this.
  17. Snorkel with Finding Nemo and Dory fish
  18. Try surfboarding, I don't even have to get up, I just want to try it!
  19. Go to a Catholic Mass on Christmas Eve. I've always wanted to do this.
  20. Find a new job... yeah, it's time.
  21. Have a legit missionary experience!
  22. Become a blondie. I haven't' had blonde hair since 2009...
  23. Learn more about Graphic Design. Get some Photoshop skillz.
  24. Visit Pasco, Washington- thanks Becca and Quentin :)
  25. Be patient, be prayerful, and be positive!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm stalking your blog! Because I can, and all the kids are sleeping! I LOVE this idea, I'm going to make my own goals. Love you!
