Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Laugh it Off

It really is a miracle that thousands of students survive finals week.  The amount of stress and lack of sleep is heinous.

This last week was a busy one, full of people moving, Dan taking his finals and studying until the wee hours of the night, some unfortunate events and LOTS of driving!


Friday was not a good day.  Obviously there are way worse things that could have happened, but this was enough for us that day.  I was supposed to be to work at 7:30am on Friday to proctor my boss' final exam (he was at a meeting in Baltimore). To make a long story short, I didn't get there until 8:00am.  The students emailed my boss saying I wasn't there, and my boss emailed me asking where I was and what was going on... I thought I had for sure lost my job that day.  Everything worked out in the end, but I was not in the best mood... until this happened.

I got off work early so we could drive to Ephraim for my brother Gavin's graduation from Snow College.  As I biked into our apartment parking lot, Dan was just pulling in as well.  He got out of the truck and had this MASSIVE rip up the front of his pants.  I couldn't help but start laughing.  Apparently Dan went up to campus to take his last final. He parked the truck and grabbed his longboard and started to head to the building it was in. I guess he didn't get very far before this happened, which caused him to fall and scrape his knee (that part I felt bad about).  I seriously have never seen such a huge rip in my life! It was one of those moments when you wish you would have had someone filming it because I know we would have won money from America's Funniest Videos.


So my youngest brother Gavin just graduated from Snow College Saturday. I am pretty proud of him for a number of reasons. First, living in a place like Ephraim for 2 years (no offense to anyone, but GAG!). Second, for paying his way through by working hard during the summer and having a part time job through the school year. Third, now all of us siblings have been to college and earned some sort of degree.  That's a big deal! Also pictured is his fiance Kacee who graduate on Saturday.  They are getting married in September and I'm glad they both have some school under their belts.


On Sunday, Dan and I went to the blessing of our nephew, Tanner Partner Harrison. He is seriously THE happiest baby boy I have ever seen in my life.  And the cutest. And the sweetest.  He is going to be such a big blessing to not only his immediate family, but I can already tell in our lives as well. This is the first baby born in the Wouden family since we've been married, and that's really exciting. I feel like I might have a different relationship with him since I'll know him from birth, and not just from marrying into the family.


A week from today I will turn 25 years old... WHOA! I am actually freaking out less about this birthday than I did when I turned 24.  I've been mentally preparing I guess.  We had a family party on Sunday (after the baby blessing) to celebrate my birthday, my uncle's birthday, mother's day, and Gavin's graduation.  It felt more like I was celebrating my last week of 24, than turning 25. And I kind of liked that. My family was extremely generous as always and I'm so grateful for all the support they have constantly shown.


Sometimes you just have to laugh off all stupid things that go wrong. Other good things are coming too fast to stay stressed out or upset.

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