Thursday, September 1, 2016

Week 12: Extendable Comfort

Sleep: Can't get enough of it! Naps are a pregnant girls best friend.

Symptoms: I'd say my biggest symptom is lack of energy and hating smells.

Food cravings: Snicker's bars :)

Food aversions: I mostly have a problems with textures and the smell of food cooking. I sort of gagged on the squash and chicken pasta Dan made the other day... can't do anything with seeds!

Gender: I had a dream this week we found out it's a boy, and I felt really disappointed when I woke up. So I'm still convinced it's a boy and trying my darndest to convince myself that boys can be just as much fun as the baby girl I've been envisioning my whole life!

What I miss: SUSHI! 

What I'm loving: That I am feeling more like a normal person every day. Food is no longer the enemy, I think we're on common ground for now...

What I'm looking forward to: We're getting our pictures taken for the baby announcement next week! We need new family pictures anyway, and 

Best Moment this Week: After walking around with my bra undone at least half a day, every day, and doing a little bit of research-- we went and purchased some bra extenders!!! BEST THING EVER. Dan was husband of the week while we went to a couple of stores trying to find extenders that would work with Victoria's Secret bras... turns out Kohl's is the winner! I can only imagine how funny it will be to look back on a reply of our lives and see Dan and I hiding in the corners of stores while he lifts up my shirt and checks to see if different extenders are the right size. Bless that man!

Words of Wisdom: At this point, I would say forget a maternity bra and just go with the extender! I paid too much money for good bra's before I was pregnant and no point in depriving myself of those comfy gems with a cheap maternity bra!

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