Thursday, October 13, 2016

Week 18: The Blur

Sleep: Not bad. Still trying to figure out this sleeping on my side thing. Got some naps in this week which always makes me a happy camper :)

Symptoms: Heartburn is still hanging out.

Food cravings: I haven't had food cravings so much this week, as I've had Harry Potter cravings... haha! All I do every day at work is listen to all the movie soundtracks on a giant 10 hour playlist, and then try to catch like 20 minutes of a Harry Potter movie every night! 

Food aversions: Taco soup. One of my fav's, but I can't stand the smell. Too bad I just made a whole crock-pot and ate one bowl... good luck finishing it off Dan!

Gender: We will know in about a week! Stay tuned! 

What I miss: My clothes fitting. I haven't bought one maternity item. And I just can't bring myself to do it. I just keep thinking, meh, I'll wait till Christmas and hopefully tough it out till then. I can already tell it's not going to work. If anyone has maternity clothes they're not using and feel like lending out, I promise to take care of them!

What I'm loving: Going on walks! And it's the prettiest time of the year to go on them! 

What I'm looking forward to: I'm getting a nutrition consult through my work pretty soon, so I'm excited to hear just how crappy my eating habits are and their recommendations... Part of me laughs inside thinking about it because I know how disastrous it's going to be, but I am actually excited to see what good advice they have!

Best Moment this Week: This week is such a blur for me. I can't remember anything that happened! But I did make a slide show of baby pictures of Dan and I, which is is hilarious! We are going to show it to our families at our gender reveal party before we all find out if it's a boy or girl and I'm pretty excited. Dan had the biggest noggin (still does) when he was little! It just looks massive on his tiny little body! Let's pray that gene doesn't pass on to this baby... This is my fav pic of little Dan, even though it's not a baby picture! Seriously, that HEAD!

Words of Wisdom: Have great girlfriends! I am so thankful for all my amazing friends who have sent text messages with words of wisdom, let me ask them a million questions, and just been excited for me! It's made the biggest difference. My mom had her last baby 22 years ago... so I am very thankful to have amazing women who can share some more recent insight into how to eat the elephant of motherhood one bite at a time!

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