Thursday, October 6, 2016

Week 17: Hormones Took the Wheel

Sleep: Apparently I've got to start trying to sleep on my side more... it's going pretty well! But I can already tell I'll hate it by probably the end of October! Need to get me one of those giant pregnancy pillows!

Symptoms: I've felt more dramatic this week... like my emotions (hormones) were a little on edge. I had serious full out melt down this week after some unexpected bad news came our way. And I haven't acted like that in years (Dan may say differently), but the point is- MOODY!

Food cravings: Pumpkin! But I'm pretty sure that's just me + fall doing our thang... not really baby related... Also, been wanting a Jamba Juice ever since Quentin and Becca told me they got one this week...

Food aversions: This week I had a hard time with dinner. Nothing sounded good around dinner time, and I tried actually making dinner last night, and now after smelling it cook-- I'm not sure I'm ever going to be able to eat it... Thankfully Jazz season has started again and the Jazz won a game this week, so XL pizza from Papa John's for 50% saved my life and will all season (they better win!) :)

Gender: We're both calling the baby a him now! Dan wants a boy SO bad! If it's a girl we are both going to be FLOORED.

What I miss: I've never had this, so I don't know how I can miss it, but I could go for about $10,000 right now so I stop panicking about how in the world we can afford all the medical bills, baby gear, maternity clothes, and everything else in our lives going on. But as everyone always says, it'll work out-- it'll be fine!

What I'm loving: This weather! It's so much easier to get away with not having maternity clothes yet with wearing layers and scarves!

What I'm looking forward to: Getting our next ultrasound in 2 weeks and being able to tell everyone I was so right and we're having boy! 

Best Moment this Week: Feeling more baby flicks and finding out my dearest friend Becca is due 2 days before me!!! I was totally shocked and SO HAPPY!

Words of Wisdom: Can some one give me words of wisdom this week? Cause I am taking this whole Black Friday shopping very serious this year when it come to getting baby gear... and there are 10,000 brand of strollers and car seats and baby bottles, and of everything else! And I want good quality stuff, because I have this theory that if I have the right mom tools, this won't be as hard as I think it is... SO comment below, text me, call me, send me an owl and let me know what your fav mom/baby gear is that you can't live without!


  1. I am so excited for you! I love reading all your post updates. One thing I wish I had done is alongside the bump pictures is taken a circumference measurement. It's hard for me to tell now how I compare this pregnancy with how I was with Calvin and Ezra. I feel about the same now at 34 weeks as I did with Ezra at 40+ weeks, but it's hard to tell from pictures.
    We got all our baby gear (except car seat) off KSL, Craigslist, or hand-me-downs. It's been 5 years and all still great. There are so many options and really all are fine. Don't stress too much. It can get really expensive really fast. I love love my baby wearing carriers. I have a wrap that was actually just home made by my sister-in-law and an Ergo and they have been a lifesaver with more than one kid and when Calvin had colic it was the only way I survived.
    Also, heartburn is awful! I still get it! I finally got some prescription meds that have helped a ton but have side effects that are almost as bad as heartburn... so I don't know what is worse. A little apple cider vinegar in water and just sipping it through the day helped me in the first and second trimester.
    Good luck with everything! I'm excited for you!
    Lisa Robison

    1. LISA! I was so happy when I read your comment! I had no idea you were even reading my blogs, I feel so honored! Circumference measurement is actually a good idea! I need to start doing something to document this experience! We have been scoping out KSL, but been a bit apprehensive at how long they'd last. So that's super good to know! Sorry you've got heartburn too, Dan had me chug some vinegar before I got pills from the doctor-- I hope I never have to do that again! ugh it was terrible. Sipping might be a better idea! You're getting so close to #3! I hope everything goes well, you and Mark are my idols!
