Thursday, October 27, 2016

Week 20: Boy Mom Club

Sleep: I'm thinking I'm gonna need a body pillow here real soon. But sleeping good! Can't complain!

Symptoms: Really not much, besides baby movements!

Food cravings: I haven't had any to be honest! I've been more focused on healthy meal planning on a tight budget... so I think I'm past the craving stage? Who knows.

Food aversions: Every once in awhile there will be a smell I can't stand, but it's really random and inconsistent. I think my smell aversion is more of a thing that food aversions right now!

Gender: So now that we've known it's a boy for about a week now, I'm surprised how much I'm still freaked out about having a boy. I have felt that it was a boy the whole time, but now that it's confirmed, I've sort of been panicking a little! It was the worst at church on Sunday when this little boy in Dan's parents ward sat in front of us through sacrament meeting, and he was such a little stinker! His mom sat in our Sunday School class, and brought him to Relief Society and he was a TERROR FOR THREE HOURS. Ever since then, I've been thinking about how I may actually believe in those child leashes... haha. But overall, I know he's going to be our little buddy and I've started caring more about how the Jazz are doing and the World Series games... I figure I better start adapting to boy world now!

What I miss: I've just felt really content and like I should want for nothing with the miracles and blessings we've seen lately. But I wouldn't mind not having to worry every time I wake up during the night if I'm sleeping on my back instead of my side!

What I'm loving: LOTS of little kicks and flicks. I can feel baby boy several times through out the day and it's super reassuring, and pretty amazing. Also, I looked down at my belly, and it's surreal that this is my belly... Like it almost just feel likes an added attachment around my waist-- like it's not really mine... My brain can't comprehend it! Anyone else have this weird phenomenon?

What I'm looking forward to: That's a good question... I guess Black Friday shopping for some major deals on baby gear! I also am trying to figure out what to do about this whole nursery thing... I really don't want to empty our spare bedroom and go to work putting together a nursery when we will hopefully not be living in our apartment longer than three months have little guy is born... The nesting/decorating side of me says, what the heck! Do it anyway! But the logical side of me says, save the money, don't go to all the work, he can sleep in our room... Send your thoughts my way momma friends!

Best Moment this Week: Our Gender Reveal Party! It was a LOT of work, but so fun! I need to finish putting together that blog post with all the pics. Also, my mom and grandma were SO sweet and helped me get some maternity clothes which was the best thing anyone could have done for me right now. 

Words of Wisdom: I'm looking for some awesome parenting books right now! I really feel like I need more balance in my baby prep and stop worrying about material things and focus more on what to do when the baby is actually here. Send recommendations my way!

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