Thursday, September 29, 2016

Week 16: Wiggles and Flicks

Sleep: After my dreams getting so out of control the last week and a half, I just pray every night to either have good dreams or no dreams because it was bothering me so much! Thankfully, they've subsided and I didn't wake up wanting to strangle Dan for something he didn't actually do...

Symptoms: Little bit of heartburn came back this week, hello old friend-- your absence wasn't long enough. I've been getting a couple of minor headaches a week which is new. I feel really really lucky that I'm able to make it through 8 hours a day of work and seriously can't complain.

Food cravings: Chips and all things salty...

Food aversions: There isn't much that I've been avoiding this week. My father-in-law Woody made me the best steak of my life over the weekend and that was AMAZING. It took our relationship to the next level.

Gender: I'm sure more than ever it's a boy. Dan is sure more than ever it's a girl!

What I miss: I feel so full and blessed this week, there's nothing I want for. 

What I'm loving: That our friends and family have been so supportive as we've told the world. I don't know why, but it was so scary to tell people for me. Any message I sent, or family member we told, I worried they wouldn't be happy for us. And with as much as I freak out about how things are going to work out, I need all the positivity I can get. We have the best support and I'm grateful every day for that.

What I'm looking forward to: General Conference!!! I need some serious "you can do this" talks in my life.

Best Moment this Week: WE FELT THE BABY! People had kept saying, oh you'll feel it anytime now! I was like, uh-huh- sure. I didn't think for at least 2 more weeks I'd be able to feel it. But this past Tuesday, I was sitting in a chair really still and felt this flick against the inside of my stomach, not like my normal digesting movements. I thought, nah... can't be. Another minute later, another even harder flick and I told Dan, I can feel the baby! I don't think he believed me totally but was like oh that's cool! Then Wednesday night we were laying in bed and sure enough, some major flicking. Dan put his hand on my belly and the baby gave the hardest flick yet. I was so excited, Dan was freaked out! haha! I thought he'd be so excited to feel it, but turns out- the idea of something alive in me wasn't as sweet and amazing as he thought it would be... more creepy and a little too foreign!

Words of Wisdom: I haven't had the energy to exercise or eat right like I thought I would. But doing what you can is enough. I go on walks every day for my lunch break and it helps me SOOO MUCH! I always thought that if I wasn't running or out of breath and dying, it didn't count as exercise. But turns out I love walks. Fresh air, change of scenery and moving around is the highlight of my day. And I can feel a difference in my body when I walk. So just walk it out!

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