Thursday, November 3, 2016

Week 21: Hiccups, Backaches, + Round Ligament Pain-- oh my!

Sleep: This whole sleeping on my side thing is starting to get to me! I wake up 10 times a night, realizing I'm sleeping on my back and roll over to sleep on my side-- repeat, repeat, repeat. Then I'm paranoid about whether I did any major damage because I have no idea how long I slept on my back before waking up... I sleep with FIVE pillows and still can't manage to sleep on my side. HELP.

Symptoms: I've had a few more things pop up this week. I get a little headache about once a week, but it's super minor and usually at night so I can just go to bed and sleep it off. I also didn't realized that charlie horses are a pregnancy symptom! But I was reading in my pregnancy app about things that I might be experiencing and lo and behold, there it was! For awhile I was waking up EVERY night with a charlie horse, but thankfully that's eased up. The thing that's been the most prevalent this week is my back being achy! I've been getting a couple of those sharp round ligament pains too. But seriously, not complaining. I've been so lucky.

Food cravings: Drinking tons of water! And I'm so proud of myself. I am thirsty all the time.

Food aversions: mmm, not so much... but I have been needing to take my heartburn pills more often. But not stopping me from eating anything!

Size of Baby Boy: About the length of a large carrot (10.5 inches) and I'm pretty sure he's had the hiccups a few times this week! 

What I miss: Sleeping in whatever position I want!

What I'm loving: Maternity everything. Pants, shirts, underwear... it all helps me feel so much more comfortable! Ross Dress for Less is my jam.

What I'm looking forward to: I just realized our next appointment is already less than 2 weeks away! I always look forward to meeting with our doctor and talking about how things are progressing for baby and me. ALSO, IT IS SO HARD TO BE AT WORK LATELY! All I can think about is how I want to be home and have a thousand things I need/want to do to get ready for this baby. There is just not enough time in a day I tell you. So I'm looking forward to maternity leave :) haha!

Best Moment this Week: Always love the big kicks he gives us! Also, I won't go into details about how I got this picture, but I found out my OBGYN dressed up for Halloween like this... I seriously didn't recognize him AT ALL! It was pretty hilarious and makes me appreciate that the guy has a sense of humor along with his brilliant mind! Also, we were not feeling like dressing up this year so much, but we managed to get this picture and it's the best and easiest Halloween costume EVER. British Royalty, so awesome.

Dan was super hangry, and wouldn't put his mask on all the way, so we called it good! haha

Words of Wisdom: This week I think I officially "popped"! Dan said to me one night, your belly looks HUGE today! I thought he was being a little dramatic. Then he said, "No, seriously. I'm taking a picture so you can see that your pj's aren't touching your stomach any more!" So he snapped this shot and showed me. I was actually shocked! Because when I look in the mirror, that's not what I see! haha! So I guess my words of wisdom this week are, believe your husbands! 


  1. Cute, cute, cute! Also, loving the baby bump and words of wisdom! haha

  2. I can't believe you found that picture of your doctor!!!! HAHA! I can hardly recognize him!! And I love your costumes as well - very fitting for ya Meg! I want to see more baby bump pictures - you look great! :)
