Thursday, November 24, 2016

Week 24: Our Little Turkey

Sleep: Getting better every night I think! I've literally slept with my Snoogle and 4 other pillows in a different arrangement for weeks, trying to find the perfect combination. I'm getting closer!

Symptoms: I am just soaking up this "honeymoon" stage of pregnancy as much as possible! My energy levels have been really good, so I'm trying to accomplish as much as I can before I'm super uncomfortable and not sleeping good. 

Food cravings: Oh man, all I've been thinking about all week is a GIANT pile of mashed potatoes and gravy with a side of turkey! Pretty much this picture...

Food aversions: I'm so sick of chicken. However, I don't think it's related to pregnancy, because Dan told me he's sick of eating it too! Apparently we need some variety in our diet!

How big the little guy is: The size of an ear of corn OR about 1 1/3 lbs! Says he put on 4 ounces since last week!

What I miss: Ever since my Firehouse Sub, all I want is sandwiches!!!! I miss lunch meat!

What I'm loving: My energy levels. And fake eyelashes. For some reason, my eyelashes have been falling out... which is really lame and wearing mascara just looks pathetic on the little stubs. So I've been rocking fake lashes this week and am surprised how quickly I've gotten used to them! I just hope my real ones grow back sooner than later!

What I'm looking forward to: Black Friday is pretty much HERE! Let the wild rumpus start! I hope we can make some progress this week and feel a little more prepared for parenthood!

Best Moment this Week: Well I got a haircut this week for the first time in 7 months! So that was awesome! I also died it a darker brown with some copper low-lights, and I think once it fades a bit, I'll really like it! But for now, I'm in the mourning stages of losing my blonde... I think I've officially decided I'm not a dark haired person! So I'll just relish in this last time I'll ever have my hair dark!

Words of Wisdom: Does anyone know about breast pumps or have any recommendations? I know we can get one through our insurance... but I think there are a few different options. Just looking for any insight!

Also, I looked at my sister-in-law's birth story pictures this week... and I'm absolutely terrified of giving birth now. It was so scarring! So I think I made up my mind that I'm for sure against pictures during labor and delivery... but would be happy to have some taken 24 hours after... because I don't think I want a visual reminder of that moment... 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Week 23: The Great Bambino

Sleep: Meh, decent. It's definitely helped a lot having the Snoogle. I think I'm just a tosser and a turner when I sleep naturally, and rolling around with a little belly is just so much more effort!

Symptoms: Mostly back aches this week! I can't sit in the same spot for very long before I start getting uncomfortable and having to move around.

Food cravings: My friend Jess gave me the best advice about eating lunch meat- go to Firehouse Subs where they cook all meat! So that's what we did after our appointment this week. YUMMY :)

Food aversions: Oh man, I ate some of my mom's taco soup last weekend-- HEARTBURN FOR DAYS! I also learned that tomatoes are really acidic, and the canned one's are what caused me the most awful heartburn. But fresh tomatoes- no problem. Weird huh?

How big the little guy is: The size of a LARGE mango, or just over a pound and 11 inches. 

What I miss: Hmm- mostly just sleeping on my back! Which I think will be my biggest thing until the day I deliver this boy!

What I'm loving: So with all the round ligament pain I've been having, and how much my belly is sticking out, one of the questions I was going to ask our doctor this week was how I'm measuring. I just felt sure I was bigger than most women at 23 weeks! Sure enough, he measured my belly and said I was 3 cm ahead of schedule! He said my weight gain was perfect, so it meant I either carry out front more than the average woman, or that we were having a big baby (said while looking at Dan!) haha! That made me so happy! It first of all make me feel good that I'm not crazy and my instincts have been so spot on, and secondly that this little guy will talk after his dad!

What I'm looking forward to: Our ultrasound in January! I want to see this little guy again so bad! I had a dream that I gave birth this week, and he was so beautiful and perfect, and I think that was honestly the first time I've been excited about him getting here! I've been pretty okay with having lots of time till he'll be born, and even hoping he'll come late! So that was a sweet tender mercy to me that I felt genuinely excited when I met him, and not terrified like I am sometimes haha!

Best Moment this Week: Our doctor's appointment! While we were waiting to be called back, little guy kicked me 2-3 times the HARDEST I've ever felt- so hard it made me jump in my seat a bit! Dan got to feel him kick super hard while we were sitting there and that was fun! We got to hear little guys heartbeat which is also another thing I LOVE. 

Words of Wisdom: I remember hearing all sorts of things about the "glucose drink" they give you to test for diabetes, and it was WAY talked up. It was not bad at all, just like an orange soda without the carbonation. No big deal at all. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Fourth Appointment: 23.5 Weeks

Wednesday, November 16th- 11:15am

I literally had no idea what to expect from this appointment. All I knew is that I had to drink this orange drink for my glucose test and I had to drink it at this exact time and within 5 minutes. Then I had to be at my appointment to have my blood drawn down to the minute. That part was actually easy! I had heard the drink is super gross, makes you feel sick, etc. etc. But, it honestly was nothing for me. It did burn my throat a little after I drank it, just because it was SO sugary, but that was minor.

We got to our appointment, told them I had to have my blood drawn by 11:25 for the glucose test, and sat and waited. Dan and I were both getting a little antsy, because it was 11:24, and they still hadn't call my name. I really didn't have time to come back and do this again- so I went up to the front to check and make sure they were understanding the situation. Of course, as soon as I got up to the front desk, I heard my name called. So that was a relief!

I found out at this appointment a few things:
- We'd see the doctor again in another 4 weeks, but then after our next appointment- it'd change to seeing him every 3 weeks. So that made me excited! Feels like we beat another level of pregnancy and get to move up!
- I have to give a urine sample at every appointment from here on out! Good thing they told me, because whenever they ask, I've just gone to the bathroom right before our appointment!

When we got to sit down and meet with the Doctor, he checked the baby's heartbeat which is just magical to me every time. Then he said he was going to measure my stomach and see how I was progressing, which I was excited about because that was going to be one of my questions this appointment! I've been having some pretty intense round ligament pains the past few weeks, and just feel like I'm sticking really far out to only be this far along! So he measured me, and sure enough he said, "Well, it looks like you're measuring about 3 cm ahead right now." I instantly yelled out, "I KNEW IT!" The Doctor looked at me with a look of questioning that seemed to say "You did?" I proceeded to tell him that I had just felt like I was a little bit bigger than I thought I would be at this point, and asked him what being an extra 3cm meant?

He said my weight gain was perfect, so I didn't need to worry about that. So it either meant that I just carry my baby a little more out in front than most women do, OR- and he paused and looked at Dan and said "It might just mean that you're having a big baby!" He said we'd do another ultrasound in January to measure the little guy and see if he was ahead of schedule.

Dan is really funny about the idea of us having a big baby. I love the idea of it because part of me feels accomplished that my body is capable of carrying a little Dan, and I love the idea of having a big strong boy who will take after his dad! Dan however just keeps saying, "Why does everyone keep thinking we're having a giant!? I'm not that big of a guy! He'll probably be completely normal size..."

Either way, I'm just very happy that I wasn't crazy when I was feeling like I was sticking more than I should and I'm very grateful and happy that this baby is growing healthy and strong- and might be even a bit ahead of schedule!

We went out to Firehouse Subs after and I had lunch meat for the first time in MONTHS! Thank heavens for my friend Jess Wilkey reminding me the place existed! I love going out with Dan after all our appointments and getting a little lunch date in. I can't believe I only have 16-17 weekends left with him! I just want to make every chance we get to spend together count.

Also, I tried to cut back on sugar the few days before the glucose test to make sure I didn't skew the results of the test and have to come back in for the second test that takes like 3 hours... so as a reward, I tried my first Swig Sugar Cookie.... I think the picture speaks for itself!!! I could eat one of these every day!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Week 22: Snoogle Me!

Sleep: Well thanks to my dear friend Samantha Johnson who introduced me to my new pregnancy best friend, I broke down and got a Snoogle this week! I have just been dying every night tossing and turning, and with this puppy, I have been saved! I seriously can't say enough about this pillow. I've been trying to avoid those things pregnancy things that are overpriced and unnecessary- and sort of thought this one was one of those things. NOT SO. Get one now. Don't deprive yourself of sleep!

Symptoms: I haven't realized how lucky I've been to have this little guy moving so much the last 6 weeks! I love that I get to feel him moving around every day, but I'm starting to realize that as he grows more and gets stronger- this could get pretty painful for my ribs! For now, it's really endearing and I'm soaking it up. Also, my round ligament pain got so bad, I called the doctor because I thought this can't be normal. But, they assured me it was. Luckily, after taking some anti-inflammatory meds, my muscles have stopped hating me and I haven't had problems since. 

Food cravings: My coworker got Five Guy's for lunch this week, and I about died by how amazing it smelled! I told Dan about my need for Five Guy's and he willingly obliged!

Food aversions: I walked into Horlachers meat shop here in Logan this week and about hurled... smells are still worse for me than foods!

Size of our little guy: Size of a spaghetti squash-- or 11 inches long and almost a pound!

What I miss: My belly needs to stop growing now! It's feeling like it's big enough, and I'm like barely half way through! And I don't mean this in a way that I'm concerned about gaining weight, I just can't imagine my belly getting bigger than it currently is! Like I'm not sure my body can grow out anymore... I just doubt my body has the ability to stretch any further!

What I'm loving: My snoogle. And Dan. I tell him that I feel twice as much love for him now because baby boy projects his love through me until he comes. And I seriously think it's true. I just want to spend all day every day with Dan before this baby comes and we have to worry about things like babysitters and bedtimes!

What I'm looking forward to:  Our appointment next week! Besides my glucose drink thing, I have no idea what they do for a 24 week appointment. But I love seeing our doctor so I don't really care!

Best Moment this Week: We made some major progress on cleaning out our spare bedroom to put baby stuff in. That has been haunting both Dan and I for weeks and we buckled down and did it. Also the first time I laid down with my Snoogle, I about started crying because it was so magical. Also Dan and I went on a date to the USU Observatory which was awesome! I don't know anything about space, but I LOVE looking at things in space through telescopes, it just seriously is so mind boggling to me. We went to Aggie Ice Cream after and I tried the Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream-- their new flavor... OH MY GOODNESS. That is the BEST ice cream I've ever had. And I can't stop thinking about it. Add this to my cravings list!

Words of Wisdom: Well if you haven't quit reading yet because I won't stop talking about my Snoogle, get a Snoogle! 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Week 21: Hiccups, Backaches, + Round Ligament Pain-- oh my!

Sleep: This whole sleeping on my side thing is starting to get to me! I wake up 10 times a night, realizing I'm sleeping on my back and roll over to sleep on my side-- repeat, repeat, repeat. Then I'm paranoid about whether I did any major damage because I have no idea how long I slept on my back before waking up... I sleep with FIVE pillows and still can't manage to sleep on my side. HELP.

Symptoms: I've had a few more things pop up this week. I get a little headache about once a week, but it's super minor and usually at night so I can just go to bed and sleep it off. I also didn't realized that charlie horses are a pregnancy symptom! But I was reading in my pregnancy app about things that I might be experiencing and lo and behold, there it was! For awhile I was waking up EVERY night with a charlie horse, but thankfully that's eased up. The thing that's been the most prevalent this week is my back being achy! I've been getting a couple of those sharp round ligament pains too. But seriously, not complaining. I've been so lucky.

Food cravings: Drinking tons of water! And I'm so proud of myself. I am thirsty all the time.

Food aversions: mmm, not so much... but I have been needing to take my heartburn pills more often. But not stopping me from eating anything!

Size of Baby Boy: About the length of a large carrot (10.5 inches) and I'm pretty sure he's had the hiccups a few times this week! 

What I miss: Sleeping in whatever position I want!

What I'm loving: Maternity everything. Pants, shirts, underwear... it all helps me feel so much more comfortable! Ross Dress for Less is my jam.

What I'm looking forward to: I just realized our next appointment is already less than 2 weeks away! I always look forward to meeting with our doctor and talking about how things are progressing for baby and me. ALSO, IT IS SO HARD TO BE AT WORK LATELY! All I can think about is how I want to be home and have a thousand things I need/want to do to get ready for this baby. There is just not enough time in a day I tell you. So I'm looking forward to maternity leave :) haha!

Best Moment this Week: Always love the big kicks he gives us! Also, I won't go into details about how I got this picture, but I found out my OBGYN dressed up for Halloween like this... I seriously didn't recognize him AT ALL! It was pretty hilarious and makes me appreciate that the guy has a sense of humor along with his brilliant mind! Also, we were not feeling like dressing up this year so much, but we managed to get this picture and it's the best and easiest Halloween costume EVER. British Royalty, so awesome.

Dan was super hangry, and wouldn't put his mask on all the way, so we called it good! haha

Words of Wisdom: This week I think I officially "popped"! Dan said to me one night, your belly looks HUGE today! I thought he was being a little dramatic. Then he said, "No, seriously. I'm taking a picture so you can see that your pj's aren't touching your stomach any more!" So he snapped this shot and showed me. I was actually shocked! Because when I look in the mirror, that's not what I see! haha! So I guess my words of wisdom this week are, believe your husbands!