Thursday, November 10, 2016

Week 22: Snoogle Me!

Sleep: Well thanks to my dear friend Samantha Johnson who introduced me to my new pregnancy best friend, I broke down and got a Snoogle this week! I have just been dying every night tossing and turning, and with this puppy, I have been saved! I seriously can't say enough about this pillow. I've been trying to avoid those things pregnancy things that are overpriced and unnecessary- and sort of thought this one was one of those things. NOT SO. Get one now. Don't deprive yourself of sleep!

Symptoms: I haven't realized how lucky I've been to have this little guy moving so much the last 6 weeks! I love that I get to feel him moving around every day, but I'm starting to realize that as he grows more and gets stronger- this could get pretty painful for my ribs! For now, it's really endearing and I'm soaking it up. Also, my round ligament pain got so bad, I called the doctor because I thought this can't be normal. But, they assured me it was. Luckily, after taking some anti-inflammatory meds, my muscles have stopped hating me and I haven't had problems since. 

Food cravings: My coworker got Five Guy's for lunch this week, and I about died by how amazing it smelled! I told Dan about my need for Five Guy's and he willingly obliged!

Food aversions: I walked into Horlachers meat shop here in Logan this week and about hurled... smells are still worse for me than foods!

Size of our little guy: Size of a spaghetti squash-- or 11 inches long and almost a pound!

What I miss: My belly needs to stop growing now! It's feeling like it's big enough, and I'm like barely half way through! And I don't mean this in a way that I'm concerned about gaining weight, I just can't imagine my belly getting bigger than it currently is! Like I'm not sure my body can grow out anymore... I just doubt my body has the ability to stretch any further!

What I'm loving: My snoogle. And Dan. I tell him that I feel twice as much love for him now because baby boy projects his love through me until he comes. And I seriously think it's true. I just want to spend all day every day with Dan before this baby comes and we have to worry about things like babysitters and bedtimes!

What I'm looking forward to:  Our appointment next week! Besides my glucose drink thing, I have no idea what they do for a 24 week appointment. But I love seeing our doctor so I don't really care!

Best Moment this Week: We made some major progress on cleaning out our spare bedroom to put baby stuff in. That has been haunting both Dan and I for weeks and we buckled down and did it. Also the first time I laid down with my Snoogle, I about started crying because it was so magical. Also Dan and I went on a date to the USU Observatory which was awesome! I don't know anything about space, but I LOVE looking at things in space through telescopes, it just seriously is so mind boggling to me. We went to Aggie Ice Cream after and I tried the Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream-- their new flavor... OH MY GOODNESS. That is the BEST ice cream I've ever had. And I can't stop thinking about it. Add this to my cravings list!

Words of Wisdom: Well if you haven't quit reading yet because I won't stop talking about my Snoogle, get a Snoogle! 

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