Thursday, November 24, 2016

Week 24: Our Little Turkey

Sleep: Getting better every night I think! I've literally slept with my Snoogle and 4 other pillows in a different arrangement for weeks, trying to find the perfect combination. I'm getting closer!

Symptoms: I am just soaking up this "honeymoon" stage of pregnancy as much as possible! My energy levels have been really good, so I'm trying to accomplish as much as I can before I'm super uncomfortable and not sleeping good. 

Food cravings: Oh man, all I've been thinking about all week is a GIANT pile of mashed potatoes and gravy with a side of turkey! Pretty much this picture...

Food aversions: I'm so sick of chicken. However, I don't think it's related to pregnancy, because Dan told me he's sick of eating it too! Apparently we need some variety in our diet!

How big the little guy is: The size of an ear of corn OR about 1 1/3 lbs! Says he put on 4 ounces since last week!

What I miss: Ever since my Firehouse Sub, all I want is sandwiches!!!! I miss lunch meat!

What I'm loving: My energy levels. And fake eyelashes. For some reason, my eyelashes have been falling out... which is really lame and wearing mascara just looks pathetic on the little stubs. So I've been rocking fake lashes this week and am surprised how quickly I've gotten used to them! I just hope my real ones grow back sooner than later!

What I'm looking forward to: Black Friday is pretty much HERE! Let the wild rumpus start! I hope we can make some progress this week and feel a little more prepared for parenthood!

Best Moment this Week: Well I got a haircut this week for the first time in 7 months! So that was awesome! I also died it a darker brown with some copper low-lights, and I think once it fades a bit, I'll really like it! But for now, I'm in the mourning stages of losing my blonde... I think I've officially decided I'm not a dark haired person! So I'll just relish in this last time I'll ever have my hair dark!

Words of Wisdom: Does anyone know about breast pumps or have any recommendations? I know we can get one through our insurance... but I think there are a few different options. Just looking for any insight!

Also, I looked at my sister-in-law's birth story pictures this week... and I'm absolutely terrified of giving birth now. It was so scarring! So I think I made up my mind that I'm for sure against pictures during labor and delivery... but would be happy to have some taken 24 hours after... because I don't think I want a visual reminder of that moment... 

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