Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Fourth Appointment: 23.5 Weeks

Wednesday, November 16th- 11:15am

I literally had no idea what to expect from this appointment. All I knew is that I had to drink this orange drink for my glucose test and I had to drink it at this exact time and within 5 minutes. Then I had to be at my appointment to have my blood drawn down to the minute. That part was actually easy! I had heard the drink is super gross, makes you feel sick, etc. etc. But, it honestly was nothing for me. It did burn my throat a little after I drank it, just because it was SO sugary, but that was minor.

We got to our appointment, told them I had to have my blood drawn by 11:25 for the glucose test, and sat and waited. Dan and I were both getting a little antsy, because it was 11:24, and they still hadn't call my name. I really didn't have time to come back and do this again- so I went up to the front to check and make sure they were understanding the situation. Of course, as soon as I got up to the front desk, I heard my name called. So that was a relief!

I found out at this appointment a few things:
- We'd see the doctor again in another 4 weeks, but then after our next appointment- it'd change to seeing him every 3 weeks. So that made me excited! Feels like we beat another level of pregnancy and get to move up!
- I have to give a urine sample at every appointment from here on out! Good thing they told me, because whenever they ask, I've just gone to the bathroom right before our appointment!

When we got to sit down and meet with the Doctor, he checked the baby's heartbeat which is just magical to me every time. Then he said he was going to measure my stomach and see how I was progressing, which I was excited about because that was going to be one of my questions this appointment! I've been having some pretty intense round ligament pains the past few weeks, and just feel like I'm sticking really far out to only be this far along! So he measured me, and sure enough he said, "Well, it looks like you're measuring about 3 cm ahead right now." I instantly yelled out, "I KNEW IT!" The Doctor looked at me with a look of questioning that seemed to say "You did?" I proceeded to tell him that I had just felt like I was a little bit bigger than I thought I would be at this point, and asked him what being an extra 3cm meant?

He said my weight gain was perfect, so I didn't need to worry about that. So it either meant that I just carry my baby a little more out in front than most women do, OR- and he paused and looked at Dan and said "It might just mean that you're having a big baby!" He said we'd do another ultrasound in January to measure the little guy and see if he was ahead of schedule.

Dan is really funny about the idea of us having a big baby. I love the idea of it because part of me feels accomplished that my body is capable of carrying a little Dan, and I love the idea of having a big strong boy who will take after his dad! Dan however just keeps saying, "Why does everyone keep thinking we're having a giant!? I'm not that big of a guy! He'll probably be completely normal size..."

Either way, I'm just very happy that I wasn't crazy when I was feeling like I was sticking more than I should and I'm very grateful and happy that this baby is growing healthy and strong- and might be even a bit ahead of schedule!

We went out to Firehouse Subs after and I had lunch meat for the first time in MONTHS! Thank heavens for my friend Jess Wilkey reminding me the place existed! I love going out with Dan after all our appointments and getting a little lunch date in. I can't believe I only have 16-17 weekends left with him! I just want to make every chance we get to spend together count.

Also, I tried to cut back on sugar the few days before the glucose test to make sure I didn't skew the results of the test and have to come back in for the second test that takes like 3 hours... so as a reward, I tried my first Swig Sugar Cookie.... I think the picture speaks for itself!!! I could eat one of these every day!!!

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