Thursday, November 17, 2016

Week 23: The Great Bambino

Sleep: Meh, decent. It's definitely helped a lot having the Snoogle. I think I'm just a tosser and a turner when I sleep naturally, and rolling around with a little belly is just so much more effort!

Symptoms: Mostly back aches this week! I can't sit in the same spot for very long before I start getting uncomfortable and having to move around.

Food cravings: My friend Jess gave me the best advice about eating lunch meat- go to Firehouse Subs where they cook all meat! So that's what we did after our appointment this week. YUMMY :)

Food aversions: Oh man, I ate some of my mom's taco soup last weekend-- HEARTBURN FOR DAYS! I also learned that tomatoes are really acidic, and the canned one's are what caused me the most awful heartburn. But fresh tomatoes- no problem. Weird huh?

How big the little guy is: The size of a LARGE mango, or just over a pound and 11 inches. 

What I miss: Hmm- mostly just sleeping on my back! Which I think will be my biggest thing until the day I deliver this boy!

What I'm loving: So with all the round ligament pain I've been having, and how much my belly is sticking out, one of the questions I was going to ask our doctor this week was how I'm measuring. I just felt sure I was bigger than most women at 23 weeks! Sure enough, he measured my belly and said I was 3 cm ahead of schedule! He said my weight gain was perfect, so it meant I either carry out front more than the average woman, or that we were having a big baby (said while looking at Dan!) haha! That made me so happy! It first of all make me feel good that I'm not crazy and my instincts have been so spot on, and secondly that this little guy will talk after his dad!

What I'm looking forward to: Our ultrasound in January! I want to see this little guy again so bad! I had a dream that I gave birth this week, and he was so beautiful and perfect, and I think that was honestly the first time I've been excited about him getting here! I've been pretty okay with having lots of time till he'll be born, and even hoping he'll come late! So that was a sweet tender mercy to me that I felt genuinely excited when I met him, and not terrified like I am sometimes haha!

Best Moment this Week: Our doctor's appointment! While we were waiting to be called back, little guy kicked me 2-3 times the HARDEST I've ever felt- so hard it made me jump in my seat a bit! Dan got to feel him kick super hard while we were sitting there and that was fun! We got to hear little guys heartbeat which is also another thing I LOVE. 

Words of Wisdom: I remember hearing all sorts of things about the "glucose drink" they give you to test for diabetes, and it was WAY talked up. It was not bad at all, just like an orange soda without the carbonation. No big deal at all. 

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