Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Final 24 Hours...

Surprisingly I slept like a rock last night. I think all the crying exhausted me to the point I needed to get a good nights sleep- at least something good came of it haha!

Dan and I woke up and had a great day together. We finished stalking up on some groceries, got our apartment in ship-shape, did a final load of baby laundry, finished packing our hospital bags with a few final things, and then went to the temple and did endowments. That again brought me such comfort and peace, I am so thankful for the blessings of the gospel in my life. Oh and in the middle of all this, I cried about every 20 minutes with all the sweet messages of encouragement I received from family and friends. There really are angels seen and unseen.

It was a perfect day. We took a nap with our window open, went for a walk down to Main Street, headed to Tai Pan Trading and critiqued all the decorations, and picked up some dinner at Old Grist Mill. There is nothing like a little warm spring weather to calm my soul. I just wanted to soak up every last minute with Dan before our lives were forever changed. To have one more day of just us two. That was definitely one of the things that caused me to cry the most- having a knowledge that this was our final 24 hours of just Dan + Meg-- and that was absolutely terrifying. Dan is my best friend and whole world. And my biggest fear about having kids is that being taken from me, because he's the best thing in my life. Dan was a rock through my hurricane of emotions. He just kept smiling and being excited and telling me that we were going to be okay. We were still eachothers #1's no matter what!

As emotional as it was for me to know exactly when it was baby time, I'm thankful that Dan & I were able to make the most of our precious time together. That was a bitter-sweet blessing!

I would tell anyone being induced to spend every last moment with their loved one. I love that we didn't do anything extraordinary or crazy, but simple beautiful every day things together brought me the peace I needed (eventually! haha).

So now that I got my last 24 hours with my Dan, it's BABY TIME! Ready or not, here he comes.

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