Thursday, March 2, 2017

Week 38: And Feeling Great!

Sleep: This is the best I've slept in months... which I feel like is supposed to be the complete opposite when a woman is this far along! I wake up once a night, walk to the bathroom and back, and I'm out before my head hits the pillow again. It's been BLISS!

Symptoms: Energy. I've had way more energy than I would have ever thought at this point in pregnancy. Maybe since having that sinus infection, I just know it could be worse and I am overly optimistic about my energy? Don't get me wrong, by about 7:00 every night I am all yawns, but doing so well overall. I am getting charlie horses in my feet and calves again, but that's nothing man! I've also been feeling pelvic pressure every day, but apparently that's not equating to much at this point... 

Food Cravings: Dan has been the food prep master at our house. He's been doing all the meal prep for the last two weeks and making me eat healthy! Things like sweet potatoes which I NEVER eat. And surprisingly, I'm really liking it! 

Food Aversions: Not much at this point. Sometimes smells still bother me, but that just might be me... not the pregnancy so much.

How Big the Little Guy is: According the baby app, about 6.8 pounds and 19.5 inches long, or the length of a leek! However, after my last appointment-- who knows!

The Size of My Belly: Haven't measured yet... but my belly button hurts- that's how tight things are!

What I Miss: Laying on my stomach. Ever since I had my maternity massage and was able to lay on stomach with their special pillow, it's all I want to do!

What I'm Loving: I met up with my mom and grandma in Tremonton this week, and we went out to dinner and had a girls night out. My grandma made me some handmade bibs and burp clothes which I'm such a sucker for... I love that baby boy will have a little something from her she made specially for him. Also, my mom found the perfect baby quilt! She didn't make it, but I LOVE IT and I'm glad she didn't have to stress herself out about making one either! I can't get enough of baby blankets. I am a huge sucker for blankets myself. And I just come up with an excuse why Baby Boy needs so many... like this will be his blanket for the car, and we'll use this one for picnics, and this will a backup for when his favorite one is dirty, this one is for when he's sick, etc. etc. etc. It's ridiculous. But I LOVE THEM! 

 Grandma's are just the best.

Isn't it just the cutest?! I'm obsessed with trees...

What I'm Looking Forward To: So this next week is Dan's SPRING BREAK! Which it would be totally awesome if baby boy came a few days early and we could spend extra time with Dan while he's got this break, but also at the same-- I'm fine with it just being the two of us and getting to go on a date every night and do something fun without feeling the weight/guilt of homework! We'll see what the outcome of spring break is, either way we'll be happy :)

Best Moment this Week: I've finally got a hospital bag packed, clothes washed, nursery put together, and don't feel in a complete panic about how much I have to do! I still have a few odds and ends to finish up that will keep me busy and not worrying about baby boy coming, but not things that I'm stressed and fretting about. I've got a billion thank you cards to write this next week, so that's my big project!

Words of Wisdom: I found a bunch of positive pregnancy affirmations this week on Pinterest and printed them out and put them all over our apartment. Dan laughed when he read the first one below, but hey, positive thoughts never hurt right??!!! Here's a few of my favorites:

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