Thursday, September 29, 2016

Week 16: Wiggles and Flicks

Sleep: After my dreams getting so out of control the last week and a half, I just pray every night to either have good dreams or no dreams because it was bothering me so much! Thankfully, they've subsided and I didn't wake up wanting to strangle Dan for something he didn't actually do...

Symptoms: Little bit of heartburn came back this week, hello old friend-- your absence wasn't long enough. I've been getting a couple of minor headaches a week which is new. I feel really really lucky that I'm able to make it through 8 hours a day of work and seriously can't complain.

Food cravings: Chips and all things salty...

Food aversions: There isn't much that I've been avoiding this week. My father-in-law Woody made me the best steak of my life over the weekend and that was AMAZING. It took our relationship to the next level.

Gender: I'm sure more than ever it's a boy. Dan is sure more than ever it's a girl!

What I miss: I feel so full and blessed this week, there's nothing I want for. 

What I'm loving: That our friends and family have been so supportive as we've told the world. I don't know why, but it was so scary to tell people for me. Any message I sent, or family member we told, I worried they wouldn't be happy for us. And with as much as I freak out about how things are going to work out, I need all the positivity I can get. We have the best support and I'm grateful every day for that.

What I'm looking forward to: General Conference!!! I need some serious "you can do this" talks in my life.

Best Moment this Week: WE FELT THE BABY! People had kept saying, oh you'll feel it anytime now! I was like, uh-huh- sure. I didn't think for at least 2 more weeks I'd be able to feel it. But this past Tuesday, I was sitting in a chair really still and felt this flick against the inside of my stomach, not like my normal digesting movements. I thought, nah... can't be. Another minute later, another even harder flick and I told Dan, I can feel the baby! I don't think he believed me totally but was like oh that's cool! Then Wednesday night we were laying in bed and sure enough, some major flicking. Dan put his hand on my belly and the baby gave the hardest flick yet. I was so excited, Dan was freaked out! haha! I thought he'd be so excited to feel it, but turns out- the idea of something alive in me wasn't as sweet and amazing as he thought it would be... more creepy and a little too foreign!

Words of Wisdom: I haven't had the energy to exercise or eat right like I thought I would. But doing what you can is enough. I go on walks every day for my lunch break and it helps me SOOO MUCH! I always thought that if I wasn't running or out of breath and dying, it didn't count as exercise. But turns out I love walks. Fresh air, change of scenery and moving around is the highlight of my day. And I can feel a difference in my body when I walk. So just walk it out!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Week 15: Pregnancy Dreams

Sleep: The vivid dreams during pregnancy I've heard about kicked in this week. Nightmares about telling my in-laws we're pregnant, nightmares about Dan wanting to name our kids ugly names like Larry-Doug or Trixie, nightmares about having triplets (not the nightmare part) and carrying them in three car seats while trying to run and escape the zombie apocalypse, nightmares about my old co-worker becoming a polygamist and recruiting me to his colony-- and Dan LETTING ME! ... other that than, I'm sleeping well haha! Poor Dan gets chewed out a few times a week depending on what he did in my dream that night before, haha. 

Symptoms: See above :)

Food cravings: CHOCOLATE. and Cheddar + Sour Cream chips... I'm doing really well on my healthy pregnancy plan... NOT!

Food aversions: Still not doing too hot with dairy... ice cream and cottage cheese make me sick every time which is so sad!

Gender: 4 weeks till we find out!

What I miss: I've just wanted a freaking sandwich with lunch meat for like ever. So whatever.

What I'm loving: Naps. And Dan. The further along I get, the more I love that man. I am so thankful that we are each others best friends. And I know that sounds cliche, but it is so true and the best part of my life.

What I'm looking forward to: Finally letting the cat out of the bag this weekend and telling our family!

Best Moment this Week: Our second ultrasound! Our doctor was so great and he spent so much time answering my questions this appointment, which meant the world to me. It was so good to hear our little baby's heartbeat, I still worry every time, but so far so good! Moving forward!

Words of Wisdom: Don't get your pregnancy announcements from Walgreens. I literally almost killed a woman with my glares this week when they screwed up my order and didn't even care or try to help me. But it all worked out and I'm blaming the hormones on my lack of being able to realize this wasn't a big deal and my inability to be nice.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Second Appointment: 15 Weeks

Monday, September 19th @ 11:45am

I had Dan block out like three hours of his work schedule for this appointment and of course this was the appointment it barely took an hour! We got in super fast, we hardly waited for the doctor, and it was like magic! I was definitely more excited than anxious this appointment. I had been trying to keep busy and make the time pass quickly by staying as busy as I could. It worked for the most part.

For our 2nd appointment, we didn't have an ultrasound, but the doctor used some sort of device to find the baby's heartbeat and it thumped loudly as it echoed through the room. I was so relieved. I was so grateful. I felt so much peace. I am so thankful for modern medicine to give worry warts like me peace of mind.

We spent a LOT of time talking to our doctor this appointment! He was so wonderful! I know that guy is super busy, but I asked him all the questions/concerns I've had and his responses were given in the perfect tone I needed to hear. Everything from exercise, to using eyelash growing serum, to natural birth and his feelings about tearing. I loved it. He is very simple and not dramatic about things, but very genuine at the same time. He has a daughter that's pregnant right now too, and he said a few times that if it was his daughter asking him these things, he would respond this way, or not be concerned about this or that. That was super reassuring to me as well.

He told us that we might start feeling the baby kick anytime within the next 4 weeks, which was exciting, but who knows how long that might actually take! They had a sit down with the financial planner at this appointment and start working out how we're going to cover the cost of just our doctor's bills- not including the labs, anesthesiologist, etc. It was good to have that all out in the open and know this side of the process. And I'm definitely not having/paying for a c-section or epidural! Those are pricey! Ha I say that now, but who knows when I'm in the moment.

I felt nervous again before this appointment, but definitely not as much as our first. As soon as we heard the heartbeat loud and strong, I felt this switch in me that I can for sure be more excited now that we've made it this far! I can't wait to let this secret out and go see our families and friends and tell them!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Week 14: Hello Second Trimester!

Sleep: All I can think is of the Britney Spears song, "GIVE ME MORE!"

Symptoms: Excited, nervous, excited, worried, excited, tired, excited, all I think about is taking naps, excited, blessed, overwhelmed, anxious, and excited.

Food cravings: Anything that doesn't require me to cook! haha! But really, it's ridiculous that food preparation just never sits well with me-- I think its too many smells at once!

Food aversions: Still can't do very much dairy. Ice cream makes me sick every time! Which is so weird because I have always had milk almost every day of my life!

Gender: Definitely getting anxious to find this out... I've been holding my planning/preparing side in for a long time, and I'm not sure how much longer I can wait! But hopefully another 5ish weeks, since that's when we will find out!

What I miss: Sushi... I'll never let go. We'll reunite someday. 

What I'm loving: It's exciting that I am definitely having a hard time hiding my belly, especially at work. I feel like like is glaringly obvious I'm bellying up, but I hope that I can keep it hidden until we tell family and friends, then have the chat with my boss...

What I'm looking forward to: Maternity clothes! And our ultrasound next week! And telling friends and family! 

Best Moment this Week: We got our pictures back from our photo shoot and I AM IN LOVE! It's such a good thing our next ultrasound is only a few days away, because I want to share them so badly! I can't thank AnnAlyse Chidester enough for the time and effort she put in! They turned out amazing!

Words of Wisdom: I haven't taken a single "bumpie" yet... I don't know why-- but I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it! So I guess my words of wisdom are, take the dang pictures so you don't regret it later. 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Week 13: So Long First Trimester

Sleep: The vivid dreams I've heard about people having when pregnant really kicked in this week! From my grandpa dying, to getting a flat tire, I keep waking up in the middle of the night and losing sleep!

Symptoms: This is probably the best week I've had the whole pregnancy. I get REALLY tired every day from 12-3, but manage to make it through work and have enough energy to be productive when I get home! It's been SO great.

Food cravings: Lemonade! I ate a big ol' turkey leg at the Eastern Idaho State Fair this week and was so proud of myself for not feeling sick after. Oh and I'm obsessed with string cheese right now. And grapes.

Food aversions: I'm having a hard time thinking of anything that repulsed me this week... Hoping I might be past this for awhile!

Gender: I want a girl so bad. And for that very reason, it's going to be a boy. So I did some major Pinteresting this week trying to find cute boy nursery ideas and I'm feeling better about it :)

What I miss: Just having the freedom to eat anything I want... like a big old hot dog. Or a club sandwich.

What I'm loving: That we are less that 2 weeks from our 2nd ultrasound and time has been passing at a good pace.

What I'm looking forward to: It's getting harder and harder not to spill the beans almost daily while talking to people! I can't wait to have this out in the open and live and speak freely about the most life changing thing of my entire life!

Best Moment this Week: We got our pictures taken!!! We used these massive 40" balloons that spelled out baby as part of the shoot and I'm really hoping they turned out good. Our sweet friend AnnAlyse Chidester took our pictures and I LOVED her as a photographer, she made me feel like we were the most photogenic people alive even though we are TOTALLY NOT! But it was a highlight to move forward with letting people know.

Words of Wisdom: Just stay busy! I've been trying to keep myself distracted as much as possible so I'm not feeling like the days are dragging. I'm just so excited to tell my mom and family! And I'm wanting to enjoy every minute as much as I can.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Week 12: Extendable Comfort

Sleep: Can't get enough of it! Naps are a pregnant girls best friend.

Symptoms: I'd say my biggest symptom is lack of energy and hating smells.

Food cravings: Snicker's bars :)

Food aversions: I mostly have a problems with textures and the smell of food cooking. I sort of gagged on the squash and chicken pasta Dan made the other day... can't do anything with seeds!

Gender: I had a dream this week we found out it's a boy, and I felt really disappointed when I woke up. So I'm still convinced it's a boy and trying my darndest to convince myself that boys can be just as much fun as the baby girl I've been envisioning my whole life!

What I miss: SUSHI! 

What I'm loving: That I am feeling more like a normal person every day. Food is no longer the enemy, I think we're on common ground for now...

What I'm looking forward to: We're getting our pictures taken for the baby announcement next week! We need new family pictures anyway, and 

Best Moment this Week: After walking around with my bra undone at least half a day, every day, and doing a little bit of research-- we went and purchased some bra extenders!!! BEST THING EVER. Dan was husband of the week while we went to a couple of stores trying to find extenders that would work with Victoria's Secret bras... turns out Kohl's is the winner! I can only imagine how funny it will be to look back on a reply of our lives and see Dan and I hiding in the corners of stores while he lifts up my shirt and checks to see if different extenders are the right size. Bless that man!

Words of Wisdom: At this point, I would say forget a maternity bra and just go with the extender! I paid too much money for good bra's before I was pregnant and no point in depriving myself of those comfy gems with a cheap maternity bra!