Monday, September 19, 2016

Second Appointment: 15 Weeks

Monday, September 19th @ 11:45am

I had Dan block out like three hours of his work schedule for this appointment and of course this was the appointment it barely took an hour! We got in super fast, we hardly waited for the doctor, and it was like magic! I was definitely more excited than anxious this appointment. I had been trying to keep busy and make the time pass quickly by staying as busy as I could. It worked for the most part.

For our 2nd appointment, we didn't have an ultrasound, but the doctor used some sort of device to find the baby's heartbeat and it thumped loudly as it echoed through the room. I was so relieved. I was so grateful. I felt so much peace. I am so thankful for modern medicine to give worry warts like me peace of mind.

We spent a LOT of time talking to our doctor this appointment! He was so wonderful! I know that guy is super busy, but I asked him all the questions/concerns I've had and his responses were given in the perfect tone I needed to hear. Everything from exercise, to using eyelash growing serum, to natural birth and his feelings about tearing. I loved it. He is very simple and not dramatic about things, but very genuine at the same time. He has a daughter that's pregnant right now too, and he said a few times that if it was his daughter asking him these things, he would respond this way, or not be concerned about this or that. That was super reassuring to me as well.

He told us that we might start feeling the baby kick anytime within the next 4 weeks, which was exciting, but who knows how long that might actually take! They had a sit down with the financial planner at this appointment and start working out how we're going to cover the cost of just our doctor's bills- not including the labs, anesthesiologist, etc. It was good to have that all out in the open and know this side of the process. And I'm definitely not having/paying for a c-section or epidural! Those are pricey! Ha I say that now, but who knows when I'm in the moment.

I felt nervous again before this appointment, but definitely not as much as our first. As soon as we heard the heartbeat loud and strong, I felt this switch in me that I can for sure be more excited now that we've made it this far! I can't wait to let this secret out and go see our families and friends and tell them!

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