Thursday, September 22, 2016

Week 15: Pregnancy Dreams

Sleep: The vivid dreams during pregnancy I've heard about kicked in this week. Nightmares about telling my in-laws we're pregnant, nightmares about Dan wanting to name our kids ugly names like Larry-Doug or Trixie, nightmares about having triplets (not the nightmare part) and carrying them in three car seats while trying to run and escape the zombie apocalypse, nightmares about my old co-worker becoming a polygamist and recruiting me to his colony-- and Dan LETTING ME! ... other that than, I'm sleeping well haha! Poor Dan gets chewed out a few times a week depending on what he did in my dream that night before, haha. 

Symptoms: See above :)

Food cravings: CHOCOLATE. and Cheddar + Sour Cream chips... I'm doing really well on my healthy pregnancy plan... NOT!

Food aversions: Still not doing too hot with dairy... ice cream and cottage cheese make me sick every time which is so sad!

Gender: 4 weeks till we find out!

What I miss: I've just wanted a freaking sandwich with lunch meat for like ever. So whatever.

What I'm loving: Naps. And Dan. The further along I get, the more I love that man. I am so thankful that we are each others best friends. And I know that sounds cliche, but it is so true and the best part of my life.

What I'm looking forward to: Finally letting the cat out of the bag this weekend and telling our family!

Best Moment this Week: Our second ultrasound! Our doctor was so great and he spent so much time answering my questions this appointment, which meant the world to me. It was so good to hear our little baby's heartbeat, I still worry every time, but so far so good! Moving forward!

Words of Wisdom: Don't get your pregnancy announcements from Walgreens. I literally almost killed a woman with my glares this week when they screwed up my order and didn't even care or try to help me. But it all worked out and I'm blaming the hormones on my lack of being able to realize this wasn't a big deal and my inability to be nice.

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