Thursday, September 15, 2016

Week 14: Hello Second Trimester!

Sleep: All I can think is of the Britney Spears song, "GIVE ME MORE!"

Symptoms: Excited, nervous, excited, worried, excited, tired, excited, all I think about is taking naps, excited, blessed, overwhelmed, anxious, and excited.

Food cravings: Anything that doesn't require me to cook! haha! But really, it's ridiculous that food preparation just never sits well with me-- I think its too many smells at once!

Food aversions: Still can't do very much dairy. Ice cream makes me sick every time! Which is so weird because I have always had milk almost every day of my life!

Gender: Definitely getting anxious to find this out... I've been holding my planning/preparing side in for a long time, and I'm not sure how much longer I can wait! But hopefully another 5ish weeks, since that's when we will find out!

What I miss: Sushi... I'll never let go. We'll reunite someday. 

What I'm loving: It's exciting that I am definitely having a hard time hiding my belly, especially at work. I feel like like is glaringly obvious I'm bellying up, but I hope that I can keep it hidden until we tell family and friends, then have the chat with my boss...

What I'm looking forward to: Maternity clothes! And our ultrasound next week! And telling friends and family! 

Best Moment this Week: We got our pictures back from our photo shoot and I AM IN LOVE! It's such a good thing our next ultrasound is only a few days away, because I want to share them so badly! I can't thank AnnAlyse Chidester enough for the time and effort she put in! They turned out amazing!

Words of Wisdom: I haven't taken a single "bumpie" yet... I don't know why-- but I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it! So I guess my words of wisdom are, take the dang pictures so you don't regret it later. 

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