Thursday, September 8, 2016

Week 13: So Long First Trimester

Sleep: The vivid dreams I've heard about people having when pregnant really kicked in this week! From my grandpa dying, to getting a flat tire, I keep waking up in the middle of the night and losing sleep!

Symptoms: This is probably the best week I've had the whole pregnancy. I get REALLY tired every day from 12-3, but manage to make it through work and have enough energy to be productive when I get home! It's been SO great.

Food cravings: Lemonade! I ate a big ol' turkey leg at the Eastern Idaho State Fair this week and was so proud of myself for not feeling sick after. Oh and I'm obsessed with string cheese right now. And grapes.

Food aversions: I'm having a hard time thinking of anything that repulsed me this week... Hoping I might be past this for awhile!

Gender: I want a girl so bad. And for that very reason, it's going to be a boy. So I did some major Pinteresting this week trying to find cute boy nursery ideas and I'm feeling better about it :)

What I miss: Just having the freedom to eat anything I want... like a big old hot dog. Or a club sandwich.

What I'm loving: That we are less that 2 weeks from our 2nd ultrasound and time has been passing at a good pace.

What I'm looking forward to: It's getting harder and harder not to spill the beans almost daily while talking to people! I can't wait to have this out in the open and live and speak freely about the most life changing thing of my entire life!

Best Moment this Week: We got our pictures taken!!! We used these massive 40" balloons that spelled out baby as part of the shoot and I'm really hoping they turned out good. Our sweet friend AnnAlyse Chidester took our pictures and I LOVED her as a photographer, she made me feel like we were the most photogenic people alive even though we are TOTALLY NOT! But it was a highlight to move forward with letting people know.

Words of Wisdom: Just stay busy! I've been trying to keep myself distracted as much as possible so I'm not feeling like the days are dragging. I'm just so excited to tell my mom and family! And I'm wanting to enjoy every minute as much as I can.

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