Thursday, December 1, 2016

Week 25: Less than 100 days?!

Sleep: For sleeping in three different beds this last week over Thanksgiving, I still slept pretty well! I couldn't have survived without the Snoogle though!

Symptoms: I've had a few dreams about labor and delivery now... they are actually big blessings for me, they keep me excited and focused on the end result! Not freaking out and bogged down in everything I think is so important but truly isn't.

Food cravings: My thanksgiving dinner did not satisfy my cravings for turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy! I am now on the hunt for a turkey on sale near me to cook on my own! 

Food aversions: Keep me away from that taco soup and I'll be just fine...

How big the little guy is: The size of a Rutabaga, or 13.5 inches and 1.5 pounds!

What I miss: Having a 4 day weekend last week was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Oh my heavens I could use a few more extra days off work in my life. But gotta keep building up as much leave as I can for when baby boy comes!

What I'm loving: We are finally making some progress with baby stuff! To be honest it was like 3 things we ended up getting over Black Friday, but progress is progress! The crib we got from Amazon was delivered today and I was so grateful that delivery guy carried it up all the way to the 3rd floor to our apartment! He probably hates us though!

What I'm looking forward to: Finals being over! It's still 2 weeks away, but I just can't wait to have Dan all to myself for a couple of weeks! Life is just better with that guy around... Also, I can't believe I have less than 100 days left of pregnancy! Which still sounds like a lot, but it's FLYING by for me- once January gets here, I'll be scrambling for time to slow down!

Best Moment this Week: While we were with family for Thanksgiving, Dan, my mother-in-law, and I looked through his keepsake box of all the things from his childhood. That was really fun! But the best part was that we found some things from the hospital when Dan was born-- Dan has told me numerous occasions that he was ONLY an 8 pound baby. Haha, and lo and behold, we find written all over everything that he was NINE POUNDS! Dan was so mad that he was deceived his whole life. I thought it was hilarious!

Words of Wisdom: I've been starting to do research on breast pumps and how that works with our insurance. It's either not going to be as complicated as I think, OR it's going to be quite the process. Either way, I'm glad I'm starting early so if it takes forever, I won't have to worry too much.

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