Friday, February 24, 2017


Friday, February 24th @ 11:00am

This was definitely one of the more rewarding appointments I've been to! We started off with the much anticipated ultrasound. I still wasn't sure what we were looking for/why we were having the ultrasound... but the ultrasound tech was the NICEST guy and said we were doing a growth check to see how baby boy was measuring.

Here are the results (LOL):
- 90th percentile for Head
- 93rd percentile for Tummy
- Average for Femur length (he didn't actually say the percentile on this one)

Apparently the measurements for head, tummy and femur bone are how the babies weight is calculated. And according to the calculations:

This not-so-little guy is already weighing in at 8 lbs and 3 oz.

Which he said means I'm measuring 8 days ahead of my due date to March 2nd! However, they do NOT move your due date (good news because I'm not ready!)

And Dan had the ultrasound check again, just to make sure we were still having a boy... and we are :)


I've heard people say that they calculate the babies weight during the ultrasounds and then once their born, most of the time they are off a pound in either direction. The ultrasound tech did also say that the farther along you are, the less accurate the calculation is (which doesn't make any sense to me). So honestly, I'm not that worried. I think he and I will be just fine, I'm sure he'll be a healthy baby, and I trust my body to handle what it's created. So I'm not sweating it.

Our doctor is so funny. When he went over the ultrasound results with us, he was like "Well you certainly seem like you've got a big baby in there and you are measuring big"... Wait! What?! He hasn't said anything about me measuring big in MONTHS. I think he worries a lot about unnecessary worrying for first time moms, so he is very vague and just always says I'm doing great!

I'm still dilated to 1cm, but am now 70-80% effaced which the doctor was really happy about. Progression is progression! I was happy with it too.

So anyways, he said I can't have the baby next week because he'll be out of town at a conference, but anytime after March 6th he'll be here. FINE BY ME!

So I have one appointment next week... and then we scheduled an ultrasound on my due date if baby boy hasn't come by then to check and see how he's growing. Just thinking about potentially only having ONE appointment left was a little bit of a wake-up call! But I felt good about the plan and our doctor is really supportive of letting me try to have him come as naturally as possible. I'm very thankful for that!

Seeing Baby Boy on the ultrasound was so fun! It definitely gave me the surge of energy I needed finish off these final weeks in high spirits. We got to see 3D of his little face and he has got some cheeks and lips! So freaking cute!!! He also already has the pouty lip down... melt my heart...

Today was a great day in the pregnancy chapter of my life.

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