Thursday, December 29, 2016

Week 29: Christmas-- Party of 2 1/2

Sleep: With all the exhaustion from the holidays and family drama, I've slept pretty dang good! However, the first couple days before the holidays began, I woke up at 4:30am, unable to go back to sleep, and at 5:15am the next day-- again unable to sleep. If you know how I am about sleep, you know this is SUPER weird for me. Thankfully that trend didn't last long!

Symptoms: This is probably entirely my fault with all the chocolate I've eaten this past week, but little guy has been going C-R-A-Z-Y the the last few days, like somersaults and flips up in here! It's been really fun watching my belly move like crazy and see how strong and active he is. I've loved it!

Food cravings: Still juice.

Food aversions: Taco anything. Dan made this really good taco casserole this last week, and boy- I still can't handle it!

How Big the Little Guy is: 2 1/2 pounds, 15 inches or the size of a butternut squash!

What I miss: Being able to eat seafood! Especially because my grandma makes crab legs every new years day and I'll be super limited in my portion size compared to my usual new years crab consumption.

What I'm loving: I am so grateful I had three days off for Christmas. Even though I have whined and moped about having to be at work, it really has been a great blessing to have as much time as I did. Also, I'm really grateful for our tiny apartment here in Logan, safe and hidden away from all the stressful things out of our control.

What I'm looking forward to: It's already time for our next appointment! We go in next Wednesday. I'm also looking forward to a WHOLE other week of Dan not having school or work so we can get as much quality time in as possible. Yipee! Also, NEW YEARS EVE! I love me a good new years eve. 2017 is just around the corner and so is this baby!!!

Best Moment this Week: Going to Denny's with Dan at 6:00am! Dan has been such a good sport about my few early mornings and it's definitely been a silver lining to hang out a couple extra hours so early talking and laughing. 

We also found a DRESSER for only $30 on KSL! It is exactly what we have been hoping and looking for. I can't wait to post a picture of how it turns out. 

This was my best and favorite Christmas yet between just Dan and I. I loved every second of our time together Christmas Eve morning opening presents and talking. Everyone keeps telling me how different Christmas will be for us next year, and this was a perfect one before the change comes. 

Words of Wisdom: Dan and I went and did sealings this last week, I am just ever so grateful I've been able to go to the temple through pregnancy! It's been a great blessing and helped me cope with so much. 

Friday, December 23, 2016

My Tiny Boyfriend

I've been thinking a lot about all the reasons I'm excited to have a boy! My Pinterest board is convincing me that this is actually going to be a lot more fun that I first gave the situation credit for...

- The number #1 thing I'm most excited for is Dan to have his little buddy. A little guy to teach all his hobbies to and completely adore. It's going to melt my heart.

- I'm going to be in the best shape of my life chasing this kid around for the next 18 years of his life!

- Having a boy is going to get me out of my comfort zone on a WHOLE new level. I don't know about boy stuff or do boy things. I used to think that my high tolerance for action movies made me a pretty great wife, but I don't think that will cut with raising a boy! So my horizons will be expanded... like I might finally understand the difference between Marvel and Justice League... Harry Potter can count as a super hero right?!

- I'm going to have to mellow out. Boys are just messy and mischievous-- and I am going to have to let things go and stay calm when he does crazy things. I think that will be a great thing to help me keep a perspective of what really matters in life.

- Dan keeps telling me that boys just have a special bond with their mothers... I'm not sure I buy into that, but it's a nice thought I'll hold on to!

- I had the best guy friends in High School, I loved spending time with them! He'll just be like another tiny boyfriend for me to be best friends with while Dan is gone at work!

- I'll save money on clothes! Because I've only been tempted to buy like 2 things so far! But then boys are so messy and ruin their clothes so fast... so maybe I'll get to shop more! Hmm...

- I'm quite certain I'll be able to write a book, or at least a few good blog posts about all the crazy things this boy will do. I'm convinced that our kid is going to be just like "Spot" off the cute Disney/Pixar movie, The Good Dinosaur. He will be the most adorable thing I've ever laid eyes on, but such a handful that his cuteness is what will keep him alive until he can go to Kindergarten haha!


Thursday, December 22, 2016


Sleep: Dan got sick this week with a sore throat and so we had to sleep with the window closed for a few days... boy was I a grumpy bear. Sorry Dan! Glad he was able to kick his cold quickly and that I didn't get sick- that was a miracle in itself.

Symptoms: Besides being super moody and stressed... mmm don't think so :)

Food cravings: Chocolate... and naps. 

Food aversions: meh, not really.

How Big the Little Guy is: 2 1/4 pounds and 14.8 inches long, or the size of an eggplant!

What I miss: Sleeping however the heck I want!

What I'm loving: It's been freaking cold this week. And I'm loving that we don't have to pay for heat so I can stay as toasty warm as I want, and crack our window! I'm also appreciating feeling the little guy, there was a few days where he just wasn't moving much and it really bothered me!

What I'm looking forward to: I've been looking forward to Christmas since the first of October... and now that it's days away, I'm not as excited any more. Things with both of our families have been more stressful than ever before, and I am afraid it's not going to be much of a "holiday". BUT, this is our last Christmas in Logan, and our last Christmas just Dan and I-- so I'm going to try my darndest to make it a good despite all the other stress going on.

Best Moment this Week: I found a dress for $6 at the DI for Dan's sisters wedding and I was STOKED! It's been stressing me out so bad trying to find a dress in the perfect shade/color and that will fit over my belly, that wasn't hideous! Counting this as my Christmas miracle. Also, our Infant Safety class was good! I liked that we got some tips about car seats and things to look for before we have purchased one. We learned infant CPR and talked about ways to baby proof every room in the house- it was great!

Words of Wisdom: Live in a country that believes in maternity leave! I am trying not to be bitter that while 80% of the people at work have been off for days, I'm still here! I kind of hate that I have to save up all my leave for when the little guy gets here, when I really feel like I should be taking time where I can to enjoy our final weeks as a family of 2! What a sob story huh, first world problems much?! 

And now that you've suffered through all my whining, let's talk about one more time how GIANT this kids head is going to be with a daddy like this! #90'sbaby I love that big cheesy grin though!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Week 27: So Long Second Trimester

Sleep: The most magical thing happened this week-- I got a full nights sleep. Like I woke up twice- AND THAT WAS IT! My secret weapon, sleeping with our window cracked for that cold winter air to keep me from waking up to overheating from all the pillows I'm surrounded by! I pray every night for deep sleep, and I loved that I got my turn to have one night of it!

Symptoms: I've had a new symptom pop up this week- loss of appetite. I am just not hungry! I force myself to eat, just to make sure lil' guy is okay. But it's super weird. From my own research, most women say this happens late in the 3rd trimester, not now! The doctor said not to force myself to eat if I'm not hungry, just have a graham cracker or something every few hours to keep sugars up. So I'll be trying that!

Food cravings: The juice cravings continue! 

Food aversions: With not having much of an appetite, I've had a hard time finding things that sound good. I had garlic mashed potatoes this week and that is the first time in my life I've not liked a potato! So that was weird.

How Big the Little Guy is: Almost 2 pounds and about 14 1/2 inches, or the size of a cauliflower head!

What I'm loving: I've started thinking about the feeling of not being pregnant anymore, and it's weird to think about! It's made me reflect on how this will probably be the easiest part of motherhood- feeling close to him all the time, but still living our lives just Dan + I! I mean that will never happen again. So for now, I'm just loving and soaking up being pregnant. That we have baby, and taking care of him is literally the easiest thing in the world right now. I CAN NOT BELIEVE I'M MOVING INTO THE THIRD TRIMESTER! I cannot comprehend time any more... it's too weird...

What I'm looking forward to: That tomorrow, FINALS WILL OFFICIALLY BE OVER! We have our infant safety class I'm looking forward to this weekend, and hopefully getting Christmas presents bought and wrapped! Christmas is coming SO fast!

Best Moment this Week: We got to hear the heartbeat at our appointment this week which is always great! It took the doctor a minute to find it this time- he found it down off the left bottom part of my belly of all places! He said he couldn't tell where this kid was laying, or where his head was! That was kind of funny to me!

Words of Wisdom: I'm so sick of strollers and carseats! I just want to get one and get it over with!  Also, something else I'm learning is to not assume the doctor will tell you everything. Ask TONS of questions. There is apparently this whole drawer of pamphlets they have at the doctors office and I'm wondering which ones I should have seen but haven't... 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Fifth Appointment: 27.5 weeks

Wednesday, December 14th @ 11:45am

Dan said after this appointment that he feels like they are a little pointless... I don't think I'd say that exactly, but I am definitely getting the vibe it's more for lab work than seeing the doctor at this point. I will gladly take any opportunity to hear little guys heartbeat and given an update on how things are progressing!

This appointment the doctor asked how I was doing with heartburn and sleep. I do have heartburn and I am not sleeping great, but what pregnant woman isn't?! He said I looked really good and not as miserable and sleep deprived as a lot of women are at this stage- glad I've fooled him! Makeup does wonders :)

When he went to check for the heartbeat, it took a minute longer than usual for him to find it. I had just felt little boy kicking 10 seconds before so I wasn't worried. But he ended up finding the heartbeat down on the lower left side of my tummy- which I don't even know what position this kid was in at that time for the heartbeat to be there! The doctor tried feeling for his head and said, "Well his head is definitely not in position, I can't tell where it is!" He assured me I still had plenty of time for baby boy to move around all he wanted before he needed to be in position for birth. He measured my belly again and said that I was just "a little bit ahead of schedule"... for some reason I feel like our doctor feels like he has to sugar coat things to not make me worry or overthink anything. So I didn't feel like I should press exactly what a "little bit" was, but he said that I'm not measuring as far ahead as last time. So whatever!

Also, I asked about back exercises to help my aching back, and ended up walking out with a pamphlet all about it! So I think at my next appointment, I'm going to ask for any and all pamphlets they've got! What other great stuff have I been missing out on!? I asked about my appetite diminishing and he said that I really didn't need to force myself to eat if I wasn't hungry, I could get away with just a few crackers just to make sure there was sugar going across the placenta. So that was good news! I also walked out with a breast pump prescription, so that's one less thing to worry about and I can hopefully get that crossed off my list of things to do before the baby comes.

This was our last 4 week appointment, from here on out we go in every 3 weeks, and I'm not sure how long that lasts. But I'm going to just keep enjoying our short and sweet appointments before things get invasive... I'm still not ready for that...

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Week 26: Bowling Bowls + Barf

Sleep: Meh... I think I just better get used to tossing and turning all night and waking up every 2 hours. 

Symptoms: Dang back aches! I am asking my doctor for back exercises I can do to build up some more muscle back there! I can't live like this for 3 more months!

Food cravings: Juice. I can't walk past the juice aisle in Smith's anymore without grabbing a jug of juice!

Food aversions: Anything by the restaurant Elements. I got food poisoning from a work Christmas party catered by Elements this week... That's the second time I've eaten there, and Dan and I got sick there the first time too! Never eating it AGAIN! I have literally not thrown up in over 10 years... I can't even remember the last time I threw up! So the amount of puke that exited my body was insane, even Dan said he couldn't believe how much, and how fast so much came up! I'll spare you any more details, but it was AWFUL! I honestly ate 6-7 crackers and half a baked potato over the period of 36 hours... So now I can't say that I didn't throw up during pregnancy! 

How Big the Little Guy is: I get this information from my baby app, and it says he's about 1 2/3 pounds and measures about 14 inches long- or the length of a scallion. However, I'm seriously starting to think he's got to be bigger than this with how much and how strong his kicks are! 

What I miss: Lately I've been missing the days before smart phones. Those were just such simpler times. Phone's had that snake game and they were unbreakable! And I loved my flip phone! And phones were not a bajillion dollars! And I feel so high maintenance now that I need all these apps in my every day life... and I need a new phone soon. And I just don't want to. The things pregnancy makes you emotional about... 

What I'm loving: This is Dan's LAST week of classes! That I can eat food again! That it's Christmas time! That we bought some strawberry freezer jam! That I can watch Bob Ross painting on Netflix! That I'm married to the best guy ever! That I've connected with old friends I've very much needed too! That I have a warm bed to sleep in every night! That kindness is a real thing that people still show!

What I'm looking forward to: Next week we have our first baby class, Infant Safety! We also have another appointment with the doctor, always a good time! I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS IS OUR LAST 4 WEEK APPOINTMENT! We go to appointments every 3 weeks now! Time is FLYING!!!

Best Moment this Week: Dan and I went bowling this week, we had 2 free passes that were expiring this month and we needed a break from life. So we went and had ourselves a good time! And I've been SO bad at taking belly pictures, this is literally the 2nd picture I have! 

Words of Wisdom: I'm seriously dying for a getaway, a babymoon if you will. These last few weeks have been really stressful due to a lot of family drama, and are finally taking a toll on Dan and I both. I just want to run away, even for like 2-3 days to a cabin in the mountains, not have any phone service, and just soak up some quality time playing chess/checkers, have a movie marathon, eat a Costco size box of popcorn, and go sledding! So I guess my word of advice, find some way to celebrate the final days of husband and wife! Cause you'll need it!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Week 25: Less than 100 days?!

Sleep: For sleeping in three different beds this last week over Thanksgiving, I still slept pretty well! I couldn't have survived without the Snoogle though!

Symptoms: I've had a few dreams about labor and delivery now... they are actually big blessings for me, they keep me excited and focused on the end result! Not freaking out and bogged down in everything I think is so important but truly isn't.

Food cravings: My thanksgiving dinner did not satisfy my cravings for turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy! I am now on the hunt for a turkey on sale near me to cook on my own! 

Food aversions: Keep me away from that taco soup and I'll be just fine...

How big the little guy is: The size of a Rutabaga, or 13.5 inches and 1.5 pounds!

What I miss: Having a 4 day weekend last week was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Oh my heavens I could use a few more extra days off work in my life. But gotta keep building up as much leave as I can for when baby boy comes!

What I'm loving: We are finally making some progress with baby stuff! To be honest it was like 3 things we ended up getting over Black Friday, but progress is progress! The crib we got from Amazon was delivered today and I was so grateful that delivery guy carried it up all the way to the 3rd floor to our apartment! He probably hates us though!

What I'm looking forward to: Finals being over! It's still 2 weeks away, but I just can't wait to have Dan all to myself for a couple of weeks! Life is just better with that guy around... Also, I can't believe I have less than 100 days left of pregnancy! Which still sounds like a lot, but it's FLYING by for me- once January gets here, I'll be scrambling for time to slow down!

Best Moment this Week: While we were with family for Thanksgiving, Dan, my mother-in-law, and I looked through his keepsake box of all the things from his childhood. That was really fun! But the best part was that we found some things from the hospital when Dan was born-- Dan has told me numerous occasions that he was ONLY an 8 pound baby. Haha, and lo and behold, we find written all over everything that he was NINE POUNDS! Dan was so mad that he was deceived his whole life. I thought it was hilarious!

Words of Wisdom: I've been starting to do research on breast pumps and how that works with our insurance. It's either not going to be as complicated as I think, OR it's going to be quite the process. Either way, I'm glad I'm starting early so if it takes forever, I won't have to worry too much.