Thursday, December 15, 2016

Week 27: So Long Second Trimester

Sleep: The most magical thing happened this week-- I got a full nights sleep. Like I woke up twice- AND THAT WAS IT! My secret weapon, sleeping with our window cracked for that cold winter air to keep me from waking up to overheating from all the pillows I'm surrounded by! I pray every night for deep sleep, and I loved that I got my turn to have one night of it!

Symptoms: I've had a new symptom pop up this week- loss of appetite. I am just not hungry! I force myself to eat, just to make sure lil' guy is okay. But it's super weird. From my own research, most women say this happens late in the 3rd trimester, not now! The doctor said not to force myself to eat if I'm not hungry, just have a graham cracker or something every few hours to keep sugars up. So I'll be trying that!

Food cravings: The juice cravings continue! 

Food aversions: With not having much of an appetite, I've had a hard time finding things that sound good. I had garlic mashed potatoes this week and that is the first time in my life I've not liked a potato! So that was weird.

How Big the Little Guy is: Almost 2 pounds and about 14 1/2 inches, or the size of a cauliflower head!

What I'm loving: I've started thinking about the feeling of not being pregnant anymore, and it's weird to think about! It's made me reflect on how this will probably be the easiest part of motherhood- feeling close to him all the time, but still living our lives just Dan + I! I mean that will never happen again. So for now, I'm just loving and soaking up being pregnant. That we have baby, and taking care of him is literally the easiest thing in the world right now. I CAN NOT BELIEVE I'M MOVING INTO THE THIRD TRIMESTER! I cannot comprehend time any more... it's too weird...

What I'm looking forward to: That tomorrow, FINALS WILL OFFICIALLY BE OVER! We have our infant safety class I'm looking forward to this weekend, and hopefully getting Christmas presents bought and wrapped! Christmas is coming SO fast!

Best Moment this Week: We got to hear the heartbeat at our appointment this week which is always great! It took the doctor a minute to find it this time- he found it down off the left bottom part of my belly of all places! He said he couldn't tell where this kid was laying, or where his head was! That was kind of funny to me!

Words of Wisdom: I'm so sick of strollers and carseats! I just want to get one and get it over with!  Also, something else I'm learning is to not assume the doctor will tell you everything. Ask TONS of questions. There is apparently this whole drawer of pamphlets they have at the doctors office and I'm wondering which ones I should have seen but haven't... 

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