Thursday, December 8, 2016

Week 26: Bowling Bowls + Barf

Sleep: Meh... I think I just better get used to tossing and turning all night and waking up every 2 hours. 

Symptoms: Dang back aches! I am asking my doctor for back exercises I can do to build up some more muscle back there! I can't live like this for 3 more months!

Food cravings: Juice. I can't walk past the juice aisle in Smith's anymore without grabbing a jug of juice!

Food aversions: Anything by the restaurant Elements. I got food poisoning from a work Christmas party catered by Elements this week... That's the second time I've eaten there, and Dan and I got sick there the first time too! Never eating it AGAIN! I have literally not thrown up in over 10 years... I can't even remember the last time I threw up! So the amount of puke that exited my body was insane, even Dan said he couldn't believe how much, and how fast so much came up! I'll spare you any more details, but it was AWFUL! I honestly ate 6-7 crackers and half a baked potato over the period of 36 hours... So now I can't say that I didn't throw up during pregnancy! 

How Big the Little Guy is: I get this information from my baby app, and it says he's about 1 2/3 pounds and measures about 14 inches long- or the length of a scallion. However, I'm seriously starting to think he's got to be bigger than this with how much and how strong his kicks are! 

What I miss: Lately I've been missing the days before smart phones. Those were just such simpler times. Phone's had that snake game and they were unbreakable! And I loved my flip phone! And phones were not a bajillion dollars! And I feel so high maintenance now that I need all these apps in my every day life... and I need a new phone soon. And I just don't want to. The things pregnancy makes you emotional about... 

What I'm loving: This is Dan's LAST week of classes! That I can eat food again! That it's Christmas time! That we bought some strawberry freezer jam! That I can watch Bob Ross painting on Netflix! That I'm married to the best guy ever! That I've connected with old friends I've very much needed too! That I have a warm bed to sleep in every night! That kindness is a real thing that people still show!

What I'm looking forward to: Next week we have our first baby class, Infant Safety! We also have another appointment with the doctor, always a good time! I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS IS OUR LAST 4 WEEK APPOINTMENT! We go to appointments every 3 weeks now! Time is FLYING!!!

Best Moment this Week: Dan and I went bowling this week, we had 2 free passes that were expiring this month and we needed a break from life. So we went and had ourselves a good time! And I've been SO bad at taking belly pictures, this is literally the 2nd picture I have! 

Words of Wisdom: I'm seriously dying for a getaway, a babymoon if you will. These last few weeks have been really stressful due to a lot of family drama, and are finally taking a toll on Dan and I both. I just want to run away, even for like 2-3 days to a cabin in the mountains, not have any phone service, and just soak up some quality time playing chess/checkers, have a movie marathon, eat a Costco size box of popcorn, and go sledding! So I guess my word of advice, find some way to celebrate the final days of husband and wife! Cause you'll need it!

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